Chocolate Milk and Turning the Table

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Second chapter hope you like it. It's right after the whole Lacy incident!!! Bye my loves u ^3^


Stella P.O.V

After the whole newbie fiasco i start up the hallway with poor Trish holding my very expensive, very real purse while i text Rhonda, my right hand woman. Honestly, i didn't really care fwhat they think about Trish, they all say I'm the one who makes her my slave girl, but truthfully she can't resist my perfection and yearns to be just like me when she's a senior.

When I'm going off to France for my modeling career I'll have Rhonda take over as leader, and Trish after her. After my reign has passed i hope Greenswood High stays together without my guidiance and unblemished beauty to keep it together. Yup, that's what I'll say on Prom when i win Queen.

I mean I've pretty much gotten the part all ready I just need to prepare a speech at the potium.


That stupid bell always hurt my sensitive ears. Standing up from my desk i walk slowly and confidently infront of my peers. They always le me leave first, that's just one of many perks you get from being the top!

I meet up with Trish and Rhonda at the same spot we always meet up at. Before they can see me, i pull out my IPhone and text Rhonda I'm behind her. Now we're all together, we do our secret-ish handshake that we've done so much, practically everyone in the whole school knows it.

"So is Randy still eyeing you?" I ask Rhonda with a teasing voice?

"Shut up! No and we agreed to call him Chocolate Milk instead! Remember!" She is so dramatic sometimes.

"Oh would'nt you just love to share a glass with him instead of Suzy Shwarts? Hmmmm!?" I tease.

"Oh i hate that Suzy! They always share a chocolate milkshake every Thersday at 7:30 pm!" Still, very dramatic.

"Umm, stalker much," i say suddenly very creeped out. "Wait! Look there he is, but he's with another girl!" I say before she can reply.

Rhonda suddenly goes into stalker mode and using her contact lense eye vision, she identifies the man stealer! (Rhonda is cray-cray) "Ooh guuuurl," Rhonda says in her sassy voice, "It's-It's the new girl!" She shouts suddenly unaware that her vocal range is very high.

"Trish," I say, "Go over there and find out whats happening," i command her. Trish is always texting her boufriend 'Johny-Whonny' as she calls him, so she doesn't really pay much attention to what we say. As Trish walks across the crowded cafateria, i start to form a scheme clever enough to keep Lucy or Laly or whatever gone for good!

She starts approaching them, giving Rhonda reasuring glances while she procedes with the conversation. At one point, Trish starts looking confused, then melencholy, then pouty, and lastly content. I reasure Rhonda that there was nothing to worry about, but while she hears a tri-tone ringing, she checks her phone for a text,(her over protective mom), Trish gave me a look that was a mix of 'oh well' and 'don't tell her anything'.

While Rhonda was arguing with her over bearing mom, Trish texts me what happend back there, remembering to keep my Britney Spears text alert to a minimum. Don't want to add more preasure on her when her mom's already on her back about something.

Apperently, Lily or whatever and Randy were dating before but broke up because she moved to where ever she moved, and now they are catching up.

"Ye rite, they r not just 'catching up' no way! >;D" I text Trish already knowing what she might say.

"IKR! Randy also told me tht he was gonna ask her out again!!!! :O" I knew she would say that.

Great, in a matter of just 2 hours she already has Rhonda AND Me enraged in a big 'ol mess of hot coals and chocolate milk! What'st next huh? Attacking poor, defenceles, fashion deprived Trish?! This Lacy girl better watch her back, 'cuz the Pink Posse is heading her way!

Ugg why do i feel so defenceless! It's more like she's me, being all clever and sabatoging the higher class, that's what i would do! It feels like I've gotten my own, and Rhonda's, medicine i wonder if that's why she became all goody two shows. The tables have turned for sure, but I'm going to turn it back!

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