Lacy, the Evil Witch of the West

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Chapter 8 yay i update really fast!


Lacy P.O.V

I don't know what came over me something about being a leader was changing me... again. I think of it like being The Hulk. You see instead of getting mad i get power, and when i get power, the monster comes out. And she's not pretty, actually, correction, she is VERY pretty.

Rhonda was giving me this weird annoyed look. Whats her deal. I rolled my eyes, turned in my heal and walked away. With a small laugh i say,"See ya later...BFF," not looking back. Ahhh! It's great to be back!

The school day ended pretty fast considering everyone was treating me like they used to treat Stella. It seems like our roles were switched! I haven't seen Stella all day, she was probably at Thrift Mart buying herself some dignity. That was a good one, i should us that!

My day dreaming was quickly ended by the last bell. Before anyone left, they all stood in a line, army style waiting for me to proceed. I could get used to this!

I saw Rhonda and Trish sitting on the table that was always open. I guess that was specially for the Pinks. I waved my hand and Rhonda waved back with a fake smile, what a fake! I was starting to walk towards them when this goth/school girl chick tried to actually talk to me!

"Hey Lacy! Wanna go shopping at the Mall?"

"Umm, who are you?"

"It's me Amber! You know, your ONLY friend?"

"Oh you! I don't need you anymore! You can go now." I pushed her away and could practically feel her flabbergasted face watching my back. Oh well, haters gonna hate!

I walked over to Rhonda and Trish, who still hasn't gotten me my latte! "Wheres my latte?! I asked for it like seven hours ago!"

"Oh yeah, about that.. I actually did get a latte but the i got REALLY thirsty so i drank it. Oops." Trish always tries to act SO innocent, as if!

"Ugg! Whatever! Have you seen Stella? It seems kinda suspicious she wasn't in her classes after the whole fiasco."

"Nope! Haven't seen her at all," i could tell Rhonda was lying, only skilled eyes in the art of Lying could obviously see the sweat start to form on her dark skin.

I decided to play along and see where this could lead to. "Oh. That's just too bad! I wanted to officially tell her she was out! Oh well!" I lie all innocent like.

"Well i think i saw her near Mrs.Conner's classroom!" BINGO! Idiot Trish. If only they knew i was playing them! I ignored what they were saying fir the rest of their conversation and when we were supposed to go home, I walked to Mrs.Conner's room.

Stella P.O.V

*RING RING* i walked to Mrs.Conner's room asking for a tutoring session next week. All i want us some alone time so i can concentrate on my grades. What the... This isn't the Stella i used to know, (lol song reference kinda) the Stella i used to know would stand up to the man, woman in this case. The old Stella Gold woudn't wimp around like everyone else, NO WAY! I started hatching another plan that may just work, all i needed was an agent on the inside, a spy, TRISH!!!

I texted Trish about my plan and strangely, she willingly agreed. This Lacy chick must be a she devil! All Trish needs to do is be friends with her, know all her ticks and faults, you know what they say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!


Finished!!! I think it was a little shorter than normal sorry for that!!! But ill update real quick!!

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