Walk into the club...

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Srry took sooo long to update had to do some personal stuff a blah blah! So ill shut my yap and continue!!! I really apretiate ur votes and read! Like allot!! Bye!!!


Rhonda P.O.V

Can't believe my home gurl got detention! And with that lifeless drone of a ex pop! I mean she's kinda pretty, bt not as gorgeous as Stella and I. See, we're the real deal, she's more like a knock off at a thrift shop!

I laugh to myselfe listening to the very song, Thrift Shop, while i meet up with Stella waiting near the Detention room. "Sorry I was late! I thought Randy was checkin' ne out agian," i say making a false excuse.

"Whatever! Let's get out of here! I need like a burger and a milkshake!" Oooh, when Stella's mad, she eats junk food to punish herselfe! My poor gurly.

"No you dont! Thats's the inner diva talking! What the outer queen of mean SHOULD be sayin' is that we need some protein shakes, remember" i said, hoping that'll change her mind!

"Ok," she slowly got into the idea. "But first, we need new outfits and new shoes," she squeals, suddenly very exited.

"Kk," I reply. "Can i ckme with you this time," i ask her with ny puppy dog eyes. Stella never let's me ir anyone alse shop with her. Like what's with that, Stella is SO secretive, like seriously she needs some gurl time!

"Nah, just me this time! Maybe next time," she says. She alwqys says that, and 'next time' never even happens! This gurl is keepin' more screts than The Pentagon!

"Fine whatever," I pretend to turn and leave while i hear Stella's new blue heels she just got sneaking out at lunch, click away down the hallway. I start to follow her keeping in rythym with her own heals, camoflauging the loud sounds my own black pumps make.

She get's her car waving at me from across the parking lot, good thing we were parked near each other, or that could have been real suspicius...

I start followher down an unfamiliar road and parks in a weird stir enough away where she can't see me, but i can still see her. I read the sign on the store and my heart practically stops as i saw Stella Gold, daughter for millionare Micheal Gold and Ana Gold, the top two business people in the state.

I think i was listening to Thrift Shop for a reason, this is the most mind-blowing coincidence ever...

Stella P.O.V

I feel kinda bad leaving Rhonda alone after we met. Oh well, she can deal with it. As i walk down the hall, I hear another pair of shoes in rythym to mine. I looke down and i saw Rhonda's silhouette following me. She's parked in the same area as i am, so I wasn't really surprised. 

I got outside and waved at Rhonda going into her purple slug bug. I hop into my hot pink one and drive down Elm Street making sure no one was following me. As i parked in the parking lot, i had a strange feeling some one was watching me. I shrugged that off and walked into the old store where i got all my 'real' wardrobe. If anyone knew i was shopping here, they would flip! I entered the building as my friend Rosa, her parents own the place, greets me at the door, "Hey Stella! Good to see you back! Welcome back to Thrift Mart!"


Yay i updated again!!! hop you like the cliff hanger! Comment Vote and Follow me!! I love all my readers!! I will try to update faster,  but i won't garentee it. Well bye! 


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