Those Ruby Red Pumps

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Hey 6th chapter sorry i updated too long but i got bored sp yeah 6th chapter!!!


Stella P.O.V

I greet Rosa at the entrance of Thrift Mart but my eyes aren't met with hers for I'm eyeing a more interesting product.....

Those Ruby Red Shoes.

I practically ran across the room hoping no one else would see such beauty. I grabbed the shoes and held them to my chest tightly feeling a strange sensation. I felt as if someone was watching me from afar. Then again, i was holding those shoes like a maniac.

Content with what i found, i search around for the gaze that pelted my back. I shrugged it off finding there was nothing to see and start my shopping adventure. I turned a corner and i could have sworn i saw Rhonda's hair flipping away as the person left. Curious, i crouched like a tiger hunting for its prey and stalked off towards the very familiar hair. I hope it wasn't Rhonda, she would totally rat me out at school!

Gaining all the courage i could muster, i sighed heavily and walked up tapping the lady's shoulder. What i thought was my best friend, was actually someone quite familiar, but totally not Rhonda.

Rhonda P.O.V

I followed Stella to the entrance of Thrift Mart and grabbed a magazine covering my face from the soon to be ex P¡nk. (Just to clear things up Lacy didn't know their name was P¡nk and yeah so keep reading) I felt as if a stalker was in my body instead of me. I shook the thought out of my head and kept following Stella.

Next thing i know, she starts running. I hope i haven't blown my cover. I looked around searching for Stella and she was no where too be seen. Frantically, i start darting in and out of aisle searching for a safe place to hide. Finally, i found Stella clutching a surprising cute pair of red pumps.

I closed my hand and bring it down in victory and look back finding no Stella. Worried, i looked to my left and right and started down the aisle and turned the corner and saw an saw an older looking lady that had the same hair as me from behind, but was actually Stella's Aunt Shay looking for a blouse.

I passed her hoping she wouldn't recognize me and start a conversation. Keeping my head down, i turned a corner saw Stella go into my previous aisle. Coming from behind, like a hungry lion, i was about to pounce when Stella, being the Stella she is shrugged her shoulders and tapped her Aunt on the shoulder. I quickly hid in a line of winter jackets while Stella's Aunt turned around.

They made samll talk as i hatched a plan to bring down Stella for good. She's my best friend and all,  but ou gotts do what you gotta do. I heard Stella walk away still holding her red pumps. She walked down the teen clothing and picked up an orange blouse with square studs on the pockets. I wonder if she'll wear tomorow, i better take a note of that. Then, she walked over to a pair of faded pink jeans. I feel like such a stalker now.

Stella P.O.V

Score! I just found the PERFECT pair for jeans! For some weird reason, i kind of feel like someone was watching me... Whatever, i shrugged the htought off as i walked to the changing room, hoping those perfect pink jeans would fit me. Perfect! I looked like perfection in my new outfit, it looks just like what you would buy in like a high end store. Even the goddes Aphrodite coudn't compare to how perfect i looked!

I walked out of the store paying only 7.99 for my clothes and walked to my hot pink slug bug. Ou of the corner of my eye i thought i saw Rhonda's Purple slug bug parked near the taco place across the parking lot. Being me, i slithered like a snake keeping in the shadows getting close to 'Rhonda's' car. I spotted her purple purse and i knew it was her car. Wait, maybe that was her hair i saw....

Lacy P.O.V  (day after)

For some weird reason i felt happy today, i yeah i actually made a friend. I opended my eyes and what i saw was not my bedroom, but was in fact Amber's room. I was sleeping on her grey loveseat in the corner of the room. I looked around and found no Amber, worried i started to search for my, (only) friend. After a few minutes i heard the splash of running water next door and Amber with her angel like voice singing some 1D song. I streched out and heard my text tone on my phone. Weird...

I checked to see who it was dissapointed that it was just my mom. I replied sayingi was fine and blah blah blah. Just when i put it down though, i got another text from an unknown number. 

"Hey is this Lacy Suite?"

'Y its me whos this"

"Its Rhonda! From the P¡nks" The P¡nks? Thats what they must have called them selves. 

"um.. y r u texting me???"

"Cuz i new opening just came up all of a sudden" 

"Wht do u mean opening?"

"4 da P¡nks! Dur! we've chosen to replace The Queen cuz she was shoppin at sum thrift store lol"

"wait wut?!?!?!?! Me y me?!?!"

"gurl u obvi brain dead. U stood up to Stella and told her off! Those rumers are totes tru sayin u some ex queen er somethin"

"who told u tht?!?! No 1 wuz spose to now!"

"Well now uv got ur crown back gurl. We c somthin in ya"


"Well TTYL BFF! <3"

Something didn't feel right, like why would Stella just give up her crown so easily?! Maybe she didn't even know she was gonna be dethroned...


End!!! Thanks for readin and stiff vote comment follow me. Im thinking of doing a Vampire Diaries fan fic tell me what you think!

sorry for typos i suck at spelling and grammer stuff 

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