Off With her Head and Those Ruby Red Pumps

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Seventh chapter finished!!! Thanks for the votes the comments and the messeges you guys send me! I love them all. Im thinking of making a Vampire Diaries fan fic hmmmmmm yes/ no? maybe so? Idk


Lacy P.O.V

I got dressed and walked to school with Amber after the sleepover. I got a text from Rhonda saying Stella was caught shopping at a thrift store, LOL! Amber was talking about lipgloss or something but my mind kept wandering off thinking of that strange phone conversation. Me and Amber walked in the school and whatever was happening before stopped that very second. Everyone's heads darted to me and for a second i thought every one found out i actually had a friend. But no not me. After a moment, they al looked disapointed and quickly went back to whatever they were previously doing. Weird... Maybe they were looking for Stella and the Pinks?

Me and Amber walk across the floor sitting at an empty table. For some weird reason, this table is ALWAYS epmpty. I've never seen anyone use it because i usually eat lunch all the way across the lunch room. We wait until right before class starts and start to leave when the big double doors SLAM open with a cold breeze. Walking in through the fog was none other than Stella Gold. Every ones heads turned directly to me. Could they have known? I looked in awe as Stella's face formed a scowl as she angerly stomped towards me.

I coudn't not notice what Stella was wearing today, it's just one of the little things you do when someone is stomping towards you. Today, Stella was wearing a cute pair of hot pink jeans, an orange blouse, and ruby red pumps...

Stella P.O.V (before school started)

I caught up with Rhonda and Trish at Trish's house and knocked the red door. It kind of reminded me of my new pair of red pumps. No answer. I texted Trish and Rhonda telling them i was at the door.

Me: "WHERE R U!!!"

Trish: "in my house duh"

Me: "open the door im here!"

Rhonda: "she cant ur not one of the Pinks now!"

Trish: "ya only Pink members allowd!"

Me: "wat do u meen im not 1 of the Pinks! of corse i am!!!"

Rhonda: "i, i mean we kicked u out. I saw u at Thrift Mart!! >:)"

Me: "... SO!!!"

Trish: "Tht meens ur fake faker!!! TTYL by bf is textin me!!"

Rhonda: "O well ges its just me an u"

Me: "Now y did u and trish kick me out u cant do tht!"

Rhonda: "yes we can did stellas rich parents leave poor wittle stella pennyless?"

Me: "No!!! well talk l8er wer gunna miss school!"

Rhonda: "Since wen did u care?"

Stella: "Since that Lucy or wut ever is trying to outshine me. She cood b ther taking my throne alredy!!!"

Rhonda: "O ya bout tht... LACY is taking ur spot so ya" With that i didnt reply. i just turned on my heal and walked to the bus stop not texting a word.

I finnaly got to school and as if the weather was changing from my mood, a dense gloomy fog swirled between my legs as i walked to school. I opened the double doors and every ones eyes were not looking at me, but they were plastered to that Lacy chick. I felt a scowl on my face as i was stomping towards Lacy. "Why you lookin' so mad," asked one of the former Pastel Girls Amber.

I shoved her asside looking right into Lacy's imperfect face. She got up from her seat and stared right into mine. "NO one messes with my friends!" She says. The nerve of her! Why can't she be one of the oher brain dead idiots!

"Correction, FRIEND," i retort. She looked flustered after that one. Good!

"At least my FRIEND is with me now! Now tell me Stella, where are your friends," she snapps back, holding back a small giggle. That evil minxe, she may be able to fill my shoes.

"How should i know?! Those evil witches left me thinking i would outshine them, which i already do," i say with a little less confidence. Hopefully she won't detect the small layer of sweat forming on my forehead.

"Are you sure? Cuz i heard you were KICKED OUT for shopping at a thrift shop!" How did she know?! Rhonda must've told her, that evil witch!

Filled with rage i stopped off leaving my confidence behind me. As i got farther away, i heard faint cheering sounds erupting from the cafateria. This isn't over...

Rhonda P.O.V (before and during)

Shoot! Stella was right, we were gonna be late if we didn't leave now. I started my purple slug bug while Trish was starting her light pink slug bug and we hurried off. While at a red light I texted Lacy about how Stella was caught thrift shopping and was a total faker. I was waiting for a reply when a car horn sounded and i looked up and drove ahead to Greenswood High.

As we walked through the bug double doors, i heard a faint cheering sound coming from the cafateria. We followed the noise and found out the cheering was because of Lacy. I scanned the room and found her instantly. She was being passed along the jocks in a big chair. When she saw me, she signaled the jocks and they set her down.

Still in the chair, she pointed her finger at us and motioned for us to come to her. PU-LEASE, like that was going to happen! After a brief starring contest, Lacy finnaly won and smirked the smirk i knew way too well. Impressed expressions were imprinted on our faces as we walked towards her. Before i could say anything, she rudely blurted out, "Stella ran away because some one ratted her out about her thrift shopping!" While she said that, she pointed her fingers to her face and grinned evily.

"Nice!' I put my hand up to high-five her but she gladly denied it and turned her attention to Trish, who had no idea what was happening because she was texting her boyfriend, typical. "Are you ignoring me?!' Lacy says annoyed.

"Wait, what?" trish shook her head in confusion.

"Never mind, i have your attention now. I need you to get me a latte with extra cream, STAT," she snapped. Who did she think she was? Oh yeah, our new ruler! Something tells me she was gonna be worse than Stella, and Stella is the worst!


Yay i finished it! I want to make the chapters about 2 pages each so you guys will be more satisfied and all. So yeah!!! PS im also gonna bold all the POV changes and im keeping the •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• thingy! So yeah bye ~Nikkers1234

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