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Hey guys, this isn't about wattpad, or anything on this website. This is just my rant on something called #WTFU. It stands for Where's the Fair Use? And is purely based on youtube as far as I know.

What's been happening on youtube AKA the false copyright claims and strikes on channels that depend on the money they earn off youtube to live have been continuosly been silenced and mooched off by large companies like Universal, Apple and lots of companies in Hollywood. What I mean by Mooched off is when the companies put forward a copyright claim, they have the ability to take the money the video they put a claim on instead of the money the going to the creator who put so much effort into the video just to make a living. A lot of reviewers have made videos about this on youtube and one person (whos channel name I cannot remember) had their channel taken down for 17 hours. If your thinking Hey, that isn't so bad, Then let me tell you why his channel was taken down. This person made videos where him and a friend had gone to see a movie then sat in their car in a carpark and recorded themselves TALKING about the movie! There was absolutely NO clips or audio from the movie, just the people talking about it. And he got multiple copyright claims and eventually his whole channel was taken down! FOR TALKING ABOUT A MOVIE.

The Fair Use terms were originally created to protect content creators from this but now it's just turned into something large companies can use to take money from people who put so much time and effort into their videos just to have large companies who they may have just MENTIONED in the video just take the video down because they were mentioned! This is outrageous on so many different levels!

I myself was going to create reviews on movies and shows but after hearing about this I'm scared to continue my current channel or even boot up my reviewing channel! We need to put a stop to this. Share the word


¤~¤ A dissapointed and scared Savannah

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