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Summer Ross (P.O.V)

"Dude, seriously!?" I yell at my best friend- Louis, who's currently cheating at extreme level on the video game we're playing.

"Lol, man, you suck at it!" He laughs loudly.

"No! Not at all! You're the one who's cheating!" I yell again.

"God, you're so whiney like a woman sometimes." He groans just to annoy me.

Oops! Yeah. I should behave. No one knows I'm actually a girl.. I'm Sam. Sam Ross now.

"Seriously... I'm off now. See you later?" I say as I excuse myself and am about to leave.

"Hey, mate, no offense about the woman stuff earlier." He says while he gives me a manly hug.

"Yeah. I'm cool. See ya." I say as I went off towards my home.

My actual name is Summer. Summer Ross. And I'm a 17 years old girl. But currently I'm Sammuel Ross. A 17 years old gay boy. Crucial circumstances made me live a life of this stuck up boy. But I don't mind actually. I can do a lots of stuff because of being a boy.

My dad died last year. He was murdered actually. After that the murderers were searching for me and my brother so they can sell me as a sex slave and make my brother a drug dealer. That time my mum made me look like a boy and we moved from Seattle to London. Though we live far apart from the place, we're still not completely secured. So I'm still living the life of a boy. Me and my brother still don't know the reason why they killed our dad.

After moving into London, I didn't want to go to school at first, but my mum made me go pushingly. I don't wanna hurt her. She's already broken enough. So I obliged. My brother also goes to the same school as me. He's 14. I became really unsocial. Didn't talk to people or anything.

I always wear baggy shirts and pants so my figure doesn't look like a girl. It didn't really need much effort, cause I'm really skinny. My voice isn't even too girly. I almost sound like a young boy. My once long straight chestnut hair is now short like a boy. I wear big glasses just to hide my feminine features.

Being the shy and weird 'guy' in the school was really hard. Cause back in Seattle, I was a joyous girl. I had loads of friends and stuff. But now I have to live like this for the rest of my life. At least as long as my mum thinks it's not safe to reveal my original self again.

First few days of school went horribly. A week later I was about to get beaten up by a few guys, but there was this boy who saved me from those stupid bullies. And we became best friends.

Louis Tomlinson. He's this amazing loud and cheerful boy. Who's fun loving, kind hearted, sassy, funny, mischievous and super handsome. He literally saved my life and I owe a lot to him. He helped me a lot to get over with a lots of struggle here in London.

Everyone thinks that I'm gay. Obviously cause practically I'm straight. I obviously like boys. And if I could be myself again, I'd definitely ask Louis out, or at least flirt with him. Cause he's really hot. Perfect jaw and cheekbones, chestnut brown hair, turquoise eyes, peach colored, plump and heart shaped lips and an amazing voice. But obviously now I don't even think about it, cause there's no chance of it. He's my best friend.

My mind drifted off to lots of memories of my friends, back home, the fun we've had together. How I could enjoy fully. How much of a happy family we were. Who thought it would change just like this?

I reached home and got in.

"Mum, I'm home." I call for her.

"Summer.. Where have you been? I was worried!" She tells me as she gets out of the kitchen.

"Mum, I told you I was going at Louis' place." I huff annoyed.

"I told you to call me every hour, didn't I? Why don't you listen to me, Sum? I'm doing all these for your own good. Why don't you understand your mother?" She says as she breaks down into tears. This happens a lot actually.

"Mum, I'm sorry." I say and hold her. There's no use of arguing back. I don't wanna hurt her.

"I love you and Sid a lot. And I promise everything will get better." She says in between sobs.

"I love you too." I say. But nothing's gonna get better.. I say mentally.

After getting her back to normal, I went upstairs and took a shower. Great! Mother Nature had to come at this time! Ugh! I hate periods...

After using a pad, I went downstairs and had dinner together with my brother Sid and mum. We talked about general stuff. How was school and all that.

"How are you doing in school, sweetie?" Mum asks.

"It's good." I reply drinking my soup.

"How are your grades?" She asks again.

"I'm getting A's." I reply shortly.

"That's good." My mum smiles. Failing to keep up a conversation with me. I've gone a lot quieter than before. I don't want to speak with anybody at all. Just except my best friend, Louis...

"Goodnight mum, Goodnight Sid." I told them and went upstairs after washing the dishes.

I really want to talk to at least someone. I can't tell my mum about how I really feel. It'll make her more heartbroken and I don't want that. She needs to stay strong. I can't tell Sid, not because he's still young, but because I don't want to make him weak by telling him about my weakness.

I just really wish I could reveal all the truth of my life to someone. Like I had done that back in Seattle to my bestie Lola. She knew everything about me. But now I'm far away from her and can't tell her anything...

I really wish I could tell Louis... He'd understand, wouldn't he? He'll stay by my side even after knowing the truth, right?....


Hey guys.. For the first time I've decided to write some emotional and complicated stuff. I know this chapter's really confusing and weird. But it'll get better from next chapters. Keep reading.. Vote and Comment, please. :-)

XOXO. Momo.

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