
20 1 0

Okay, more and more tags. Hooray! XD Let's just do it.

Oh, I was tagged by Astraphobia13, so yeah.

1. Do you have a crush?
*holds up a list of 20+ fictional characters* You were saying?

2.  Are you a dark or light person?
I'm usually a light person. My friends describe me as annoying but way too nice for my own good, so :P  Though, lately, I've been depressed and moody and just plain annoying so I would say both for now.

3. On a scale of 1-10, how annoying are you?

4. What is your opinion on your books?
I like to think I do a decent job on them but I honestly can't say

5. Are you annoyed by all the issues Wattpad is having?

6. What is your battery percentage?
Phone - 100%
Kindle - 93%

7. What are you wearing?

8. Are you an outdoors or indoors person?
Um, I would say indoors because then I have all my electronics and stuff and I can be lazy but I love being outside in nature. It's so pretty.  :)

9. How often do you watch Youtube?
Daily. Most of the time I'm using Youtube to listen to music or to watch Jacksepticeye

10. Are you a lazy person or not?
I'm not lazy, I'm just a huge procrastinator and a forgetful person. But in a way, I guess I'm lazy. Welp.

11. Do you like scary things?
I like Creepypastas and scary video games and reading about the paranormal and stuff, yeah. But, I can't watch scary movies nor can I go into haunted houses. I just can't.

12. How much do you love Wattpad?
I honestly love the website. A lot of my friends use this site, plus I've made a ton of good friends on here. It's great!

13. How much do you hate America?
I don't hate it, but America can get annoying. We're probably one of the worst places ever. Sure, we're a free country and all but with all that's going on right now, it's not all that great.

People I'm tagging:

I'm a good person I swear!!

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