Keya Morgan

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Let it be noted that Wattpad won't let me use strikethrough, so the readers must use their imaginations a bit more and pretend that underlined words are crossed out.  THIS IS VITAL TO ONE'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE STORY, although not as much in this chapter.

Keya Morgan Smith, the First Trans-Species Woman

 Keya Morgan Smith--actually she was just Keya Morgan now--awoke to the steady beeping of a hospital machine.

"Ms. Keya?"

Keya opened her eyes to see the worried face of a young doctor. Terror seized her. "Did-did it work?" Her voice came out slightly raspy.

His warm smile made her relax. "The surgery was successful."

Keya looked down. Her skin was greenish and leathery. She felt her throat. There were several long thin openings. Gills.

Keya felt a burst of happiness replace the worry. It had worked! She was finally going to be her true self!

It was a bit difficult to stand on the flipper-like limbs that had replaced her arms and legs, so Keya's doctor helped her outside, where her husband--sorry, ex-husband--John Smith, and her son Blue and twin daughters Pearl and Coral were waiting.  

"Sorry," Keya told them, feeling slightly guilty for leaving them, but refusing to be bogged down by it. "This is the way I was born."

All her life, Keya had felt out-of-place, uncomfortable in her own skin. Then she'd gotten interested in the sea and become an oceanographer. By studying the sea life, Keya had realized why she felt so out-of-place--she was a sea turtle stuck in a human's body. Now, Keya would make true the words that her older sister--sorry, brother--had always told her: "Go with your feelings. If that's the way you feel, it's okay. That's the way you were born."

Keya went to live in the Pacific Ocean. She married a sea turtle whom she called Kurt and had thousands of step-children to keep her busy. Luckily for her, she got to see Blue--now a Beluga whale--once a year. Still, Keya grew lonely because the rest of her species refused to speak to her. Eventually, she was eaten by a giant squid while sulking because her husband was constantly cheating on her with other turtles.

However sad her end, Keya Morgan was extremely influential as the first trans-species ever. She also was the first to suggest that other species deserve rights, such as allowance into schools (three hundred of her step-children attended various schools, and all graduated with perfect scores because every time one got an answer marked wrong, their teacher was accused of being biased against turtle's rights).

Keya's former husband, John Smith, grew lonely without his wife, which led to the realization that he was a tiger trapped in a human body. He married another tiger called Kate, who promptly ate him a day later.

Blue lived a long happy life as a Beluga whale, until he was accidentally swallowed by his fiancee Charlene.

Coral became a sunflower in her boyfriend's backyard. She died because he forgot to water her.

Pearl disowned her entire family and went to live on a deserted island with her perfectly normal inventor husband. When reporters tracked her down and demanded to know why she was so intolerant, she said, "I was born that way," then shot them all down with her husband's new laser gun.

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