The Handbook of Highly Recommended Etiquette

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Let it be noted that Wattpad won't let me use strikethrough, so the readers must use their imaginations a bit more and pretend that underlined words are crossed out. THIS IS VITAL TO ONE'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE STORY.

The Handbook of Highly Recommended Etiquette

The H.H.R.E. is a book explaining the idea of tolerance. New versions are constantly being issued as more words are recognized as offensive rude to the common well-known public.


-------------------------WARNING: These Words May Be Considered Hurtful:---------------------------

@ Improve, Strengthen, Fix, or any other word that suggests that one's status is/wasn't acceptable before

@ Command--suggests that the speaker's way is the only way and that any other is wrong, which is extremely rude. Instead of command, try suggest, recommend, or encourage.

@ Wrong--suggests that there is only one truth for everyone, and tries to make everyone else conform to it. Instead of saying someone is wrong, try, "Your truth is different from mine," or if you're a teacher: "That's a great answer, but it's not the one I'm looking for."

@ Reject--suggests that something or someone is not good enough, which is unacceptable. Because everyone is equal in everything, everyone needs to be included. (Note: if someone is consistently being rude, they may be pulled aside and politely asked to leave.)

@ Common--suggests that a group of unique individuals are exactly the same. Instead of common, try well-known.

@ Proper--suggests that any other way is wrong or rude. Instead of saying one way is proper, try highly recommended.

@ Instead of offensive, try rude or hurts feelings.

@ Hate is a strong word. Try dislike.

@ If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

@ You don't need to tell people things. That would suggest that it is a command. Instead, try to explain your views on the matter. (Related Rude Words: Should, Sent, and Force)

@ The term illegal alien is extremely rude. Try visitor, tourist, or honored guest.

@ The word citizen can hurt the feelings of honored guests and make them feel left out. Try resident of said area.

@ Use--suggests that one is manipulating another like a pawn. This word needs to be avoided.

@ Correct--suggests that another is wrong. Instead of the correct answer, suggest another answer.

@ Grammar Nazi--a rude term describing one who likes to correct people's grammar and associating them with an evil, murderous racist. While they themselves are rude, their feelings are still important. Treat these intolerants kindly and try to show them the etiquette of tolerance. If they mention the Island of Intolerance (also called the Island of Free Speech), alert an official immediately so that help can be found for the poor soul.

Note: These are NOT rules. Rules are commands stating that there is only one truth and that disobeying is wrong. (This is called a crime. Fortunately, modern crime rates are at an all-new low.) However, it is highly recommended that you engage in the etiquette of tolerance.

----------------------------------------------------END EXCERPT-------------------------------------------------

There are always a few misguided souls who hate dislike these rules suggestions. These poor individuals seem unable to prevent themselves from lying saying every rude thing that they think. Of course, measures are always taken to try and heal these injured minds, but occasionally they must be taken to protective facilities to prevent harm to themselves and others. Sometimes, however, these individuals disappear while searching for a mythical place known as the Island of Intolerance, where there is a terrible thing called free speech that forces everyone to say exactly what they think. There is no proof that this island exists, but even if it did, precautions are made to protect all lovers of tolerance from such a horror.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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