Stuck By: NikolaiArlofsky

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Last year, towards the end of September my Grandma had to go to Ohio for a school reunion which I personally didn't think people still had when they're over 70 but anyway, my mom, me, and my sister all went so my mom could show us around where she was born. We stayed at this hotel on the 3rd floor for the weekend and our room was part one of many down a long hallway with a mirror at the end which is already spooky and horror movie like already right? Well after a few days and we were ready to leave my mom said 'Goodbye' to the room out loud since she's a little weird like that but when we tried to go down the elevator they wouldn't work though less than 5 minutes before they were fine. I was a little freaked out and suggested the emergency stairs but the door was stuck since the place was a little old. It reminded me of Hotel California, eventually a man helped us carry all our things down the stairs after getting the door unstuck but the feeling of being watched didn't help at all.

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