Figures By: CampingLegacy

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About 9 years ago, I began watching a TV show called Ghost Adventures. It was a pretty fun show to watch and I didn't really believe in any of it until it actually happened to me. I was asleep in my parents bed, since it was bigger and my mom was asleep in my room and my dad was asleep downstairs. I had woken up at about 4:30 in the morning. I usually wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, but a noise had kept me from going. I started to hear footsteps in the hallway outside my parents room. At first I thought my mom had gone to the bathroom or went downstairs to get a drink, but when the footsteps didn't stop after a few minutes, I started to get worried. They were becoming louder and louder. Finally I called for my mom to see if it was her. She walked into the room and asked is everything okay. I told her I heard footsteps and asked if she had been walking around. She told me no and to go back to sleep. 

3 years later, I decided to start doing a ghost hunt upstairs because of the amount of chills and footsteps. We set up a camera on the floor pointing towards my parents bedroom door and went back downstairs. We plugged the wires into the TV and started to watch. After waiting 30 minutes, my dad suggested we stop. Just before he got up, a blue orb appeared and started heading down the hall. It then turned into my parents room and disappeared. Soon after another one. My dad explained to us that it was just a bug flying around. But to me, it was moving the same pace as those footsteps were. Over time, the chills became more and more frequent. It started getting to the point of hearing whispers and feeling things. One night my mom had awoken and could not breathe. When she looked at the foot of her bed, she saw a tall black figure looking straight her way. She turned to wake up my dad, but couldn't talk. After about 30 seconds, the figure disappeared and she could breathe again. Freaked out, she woke up my dad and told him what happened. Telling her it was a dream, he went back to sleep. After she told me her story, I decided to investigate further. One night I decided to take another crack at trying to see something through a camera. Taking my dad's old 1997 camera upstairs, I started asking questions. When I was done I went downstairs to check on something. In the video, I could hear whispers and I saw a black figure in the hall. I showed my mom and she told me it was the same figure she saw.

3 years went by with not much happening. We ended up getting another dog and would keep him in the house until he could walk without a leash. One day I was bringing him his water when all of a sudden I felt a freezing cold chill. I stopped, and the water container I was holding flew out of my hands, and traveled a good seven feet. My dad believed I threw it down or something, but I knew something knocked it out of my hands. A few days later, I was watching Cartoon Network and had to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands, I felt the need to turn around. As I did so, I saw a face in the window. Like a reflection. Freaked out, I turned back around and finished washing up. Before I walked out, I heard and saw feet run right down the hall towards me. It was loud to, so I ran back inside the restroom and closed the door. After about 10 minutes I walked back out and saw or heard nothing. As I was walking back into the room where our TV is, I tried to remember that face I had seen.

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