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Michael has been Calum's best friend since they started high school.

Michael was there when Calum met Ashton. He helped Calum decide what to text Ashton back. He didn't mind taking a rain check when Calum ditched him for Ashton.

Michael was the first person Calum told when he and Ash kissed for the first time. Michael was the first to know Calum lost his virginity to Ashton. Michael was the shoulder to cry on when Calum realised Ashton was trying to kill himself.

Michael's been through everything with Calum, and he still hasn't left.

They're sitting on a hill. There's a park beneath them and they sky overhead is a boring grey.

"So," Michael says, far too cherry for the dreary afternoon. "How's Ashton?"

Calum nods even though Michael isn't looking. "He's good. I found these websites about rehabs, but he wasn't interested. So I found these like, self-help websites so he can sort himself out, you know? I think he's shy."

"Ashton Irwin, shy?" Michael scoffs. He's only met Ashton a few times in the two years Calum has been dating Ashton, but he's Calum's best friend. Calum has ranted to Michael about Ashton's annoying behaviour and whispered with red cheeks all the things he and Ashton get up to. Even without knowing Ashton personally, Michael knows Ashton.

"Okay, not shy, but stubborn? He doesn't want anyone's help. He thinks he can do everything on his own, but he can't. I'm just trying to do what I can."

Michael bumps his shoulder into Calum's. "You're such a good boyfriend. Except for that thing with Isaac Wilson. But I mean, besides that, you're really nice."

Calum bumps back. "Thanks. I know. I'm just so amazing."

"Ainsi stupéfiant," Michael says teasingly, his french miles better than Calum's own mediocre.

Calum's glad he's got Michael, a constant positive presence, in his life.


Spending the afternoon with Michael makes Calum think of the start of his relationship with Ash. The panic when the older boy text him first and Oh God, Michael, what should I say back?

Ashton was the Golden Boy of their town. They went to separate schools, but their town is pretty small. Everyone knew of Ashton Irwin, that nice boy who volunteered at soup kitchens and homeless shelters in his spare time.

Ashton was a catch. He was attractive and top of his year in more than half of his subjects. He was captain of his footy team and he had a sweet smile.

Ashton's school's footy team was playing against Calum's school's and Cal was there to watch. He was on the lower school's team and was watching the older boys to see how to be a better player.

Ashton, as captain of his team, was talking to the coach when he said he needed the toilet. Without even thinking or being part of the conversation, Calum offered to take him there. He was fifteen, two years Ashton's junior, but the elder was more than happy to talk to him.

Ashton had won the game and instead of celebrating with his team, he ran over to Calum and asked him if he wanted to go out with him? Like on a date? To that cute little bakery?

Calum said yes.

If Calum had said no, how much would be different? Would Ashton still have succumbed to drugs? Would Calum still be living with his parents, playing video games with Michael? Would Calum be dating someone else? Would he have ch-

He loves Ashton. He loves it when Ashton smiles. He loves how cold Ashton's hands are and how warm his own are and when they hold hands it's the perfect temperature. He loves making dinner with Ashton, fighting over whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not.

He even has to quietly admit to himself that having a hot, older boyfriend who smoked was hot at first. He liked it, he liked the beauty and the poetry of it, the 'I'm going to die anyway, why not die young' of it.

He loves Ashton. He does not love the monster Ashton has become.


sorry for not updating in 3000 years lmao

please comment, i hope you love this chapter !

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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