Running Away

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~Johnny's POV~

After the movie we walked down the block a little ways. I looked down at Jazmyn who was holding my hand. She rubbed her eye and yawned.
"You tired?" I asked her. She nodded and reached up to my waist. I picked her up. She put her head on my shoulder as a red car came towards us. Jazmyn tightened her grip around my neck. I rubbed her back and got behind Ponyboy as 2 socs jumped out of the car. Two-Bit and one of the socs started screaming about how they wanted to fight.
"Okay, one I hate fights and two there's a little kid present!" Cherry yelled. Two-Bit and the soc looked at Jazmyn and looked back at each other. The two socs led Cherry and Marcia to the car and drove off. Jazmyn managed to get out of my grip and walked beside me. "Johnny and I are gonna head down to the lot." Ponyboy said gesturing me over to him.
"I wanna go." Jazmyn said rubbing her eye.
"Jazzy, just go home. I'll be there in a little bit." Ponyboy said.
"And plus it's probably past your bedtime." Two-Bit added.
"Okay 1, I don't have a bedtime on the weekends." Jazmyn protested.
"Yeah you do." Pony cut in.
"No I don't. And 2, I'm not even tired. So therefore I can stay up." Two-Bit looked at Ponyboy.
"She got that from Soda." Pony said.
"Yeah, I know." Two-Bit replied. "Okay shorty let's go." Two-Bit picked up Jazmyn.
"I need to work more on my arguments." Jazmyn said. Two-Bit rolled his eyes and tickled Jazmyn under her chin.

~Two-Bit's POV~

I carried Jazmyn into the Curtis house. Soda was sitting on the couch and Darry had to work late. It was only 8:56. Darry would be home by 9:30. Soda looked over at Jazmyn and smirked. "Give 'er to me." I handed Jazmyn to him. "I'll see y'all tomorrow." I said walking out. "Bye Two-Bit." They both said.

Soda's POV

Jazmyn yawned. "Alright Jazzy let's get you to bed." I said carrying her to her room.
"But I'm not tired." She protseted as I set her on her bed.
"Yeah? Well, you didn't have a nap today, so therefore you can't stay up." I replied. Jazmyn crossed her arms. I unbuttoned her shirt and she took her pants off.
"Can I sleep in my tank top and shorts?" She asked.
"Yeah sure." I replied.
"Can I at least stay up until Darry gets here?"
"Anyone home?" I heard Darry's voice. I smirked at her.
"Oh, whatever." She said getting off her bed. She ran to Darry. "Darry!" He smiled and picked her up.
"Wassup Jazzy." He said kissing her cheek.
"I'm trying to get her to bed." I said.
"I'll take care of it now." He said letting Jazmyn down. Jazmyn wrapped her arms around my neck. "Night Soda."
"Night Jazzy, love ya."
"You really have to. And I love you too." I laughed, Darry lightly chuckled. Jazmyn ran back to her room. Darry sighed. "She's all yours now." I teased. Darry smiled at me and went to Jazmyn's room.

At like 1:55 idk....just read it

~Jazmyn's POV~

I had a bad dream. I hope Pony's home, he makes me feel better. I went into his and Soda's room and he wasn't even there. I then heard Darry yell. I ran to the doorway of the living room. I couldn't believe it Darry hit Ponyboy. I ran back to my room and grabbed my pink fuzzy jacket and went out my window. I don't even know how I got it open. I saw Pony get Johnny and they started running again, I ran after them. I was running out of breath I even cried for them to slow down, but they couldn't hear me. They stopped at the park. "What did you do now?" I asked looking up at Ponyboy on the jungle gym. He and Johnny looked down at me. "Jazmyn, what are you doing here?!" Ponyboy yelled.
"I should ask you the same thing." I said crossing my arms. Then the same car I saw that I saw earlier showed up. I ran behind a tree. I couldn't hear what they were saying to Ponyboy and Johnny, but I knew it wasn't good. They both took off running with the socs right behind them. I saw what they were doing to Ponyboy, it scared me. "I'm calling the police!" I yelled loud enough for the neighbors to hear. One of the socs came after me. "How are you gonna call them when I rip the voice box out of your throat?" He said. I then screamed really loud.

~Johnny's POV~

I killed Bob. He was going after Jazmyn and I don't know what would have happened to the whole gang if she died. We'd all be under some deep depression. Jazmyn looked up at me.
"I'm not going home now." She said starting to cry. I then went over to her and held her. Ponyboy then started to wake up. "I killed that boy." I said about to cry too. Ponyboy stared at me and Jazmyn and then looked at Bob's body. "Johnny, I think I'm gonna be sick." He said.
"Go ahead man, I won't look at ya." I said turning my head. After a few minutes I went over to Ponyboy. "So you really killed him huh Johnny?" Pony said about to cry too. "What are we gonna do?"
"Dally will know." I said.
"Wait, Jazmyn go home." Ponyboy ordered.
"I'm not going home." Jazmyn said with a few tears running down her cheeks.
"Jazmyn, go home." Pony said again.
"Let's just take her with us." I said. Ponyboy sighed and we started to walk to bucks.

We knocked on the door. Buck opened it, obviously annoyed that we were there.
"Whatdaya want?" He asked.
"We need to see Dally." I said. Buck looked behind himself. "He's busy." He said.
"Tell him it's Pony and Johnny, he'll come!"
Buck rolled his eyes and went back inside. Pony and I looked into the window. "I can't see." Jazmyn said jumping up and down. "You don't need to." Ponyboy said.
"Who asked you?" Jazmyn sassed. Ponyboy rolled his eyes. Dally opened the door.
"Okay, what do you kids need me for?" He asked.
"Johnny killed a soc." Pony said. "Okay, good for you. Get in here." We all went upstairs to Dally's room. Dally handed Ponyboy a new shirt, since his other one was wet. "Before I do anything, why isn't shorty sleeping?" Dally asked Ponyboy. "Because her nosey little self followed us." Ponyboy replied.
"Am I allowed to voice my opinion?" Jazmyn asked.
"You're just gonna say something stupid." Pony snapped.
"At least I don't get yelled at by Darry."
"Jazmyn just hush."
"Make me horse man."
"Jazmyn, when you go home Darry's gonna be just as mad at you as he was at me."
"Nu-uh cause he can't hit a girl, oh wait he did tonight."
"Jazmyn, you're such a whiney and sassy little brat. Everyone has to stop what they're doing in order to take care of you. If you went home right now, Darry would be so mad enough to send you to a girls home and none of the gang would blame him!" I looked at Pony in shock, so did Dally. "Darry hit you because you deserved it you stupid wannabe badass, grease headed, know it all hood." Jazmyn said with tears forming in her eyes. She then ran out. Ponyboy looked at the doorway for a minute. "She ain't coming back." He sighed. "Darry'll kill me."

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