Kate Surprise

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School was 'super' the next day with Kate and Jack broken up (not). Jack and Kate use to be great friends till the dated and well Jack use to hang out with us. So it was very awkward when Jack came to our hang out (which is not that special it's just a corner where a radiator stands and the door to the Quad which is a little space where you can sit outside in peace) with his best mate Lucas.

Lucas and Jack are well what they say 'bum chums' I just call them annoying one and dramatic one. Lucas, Jack, Mark and some others including me did drama shows which is where we put a show on for parents and pupils. Everyone at school can join, so S1 to S6 would audition to play a role. I enjoy drama yes but the teacher kind of pushes me into the limelight and well I am more of the type stay in the shadows (thanks to some people). She tries giving me main part but I just back down and lie, which I hate doing. Anyway before the summer we did Alice in Wonderland. Which I had to be the doorknob, I never auditioned to but well I got cornered and so I 'volunteered' to do it.

 That's how Jack and Lucas came to be in our group. I know why are they still in your group, well Kate can rap boys round her finger when need to so she some how rapped Jack in so he would not leave.

"Hey guys" Lucas smiles, he is nice and very funny like Mark but has a very.... imaginative mind which makes him a bit more funny. Everyone in our group is the same year but not the same age, I'm the oldest being 15 in May, then Kate and then my other best friend Amy. Amy and me know each other for 6 years through swimming since we love swimming. The youngest is Lucas being only 14 in February. (N/A this is back in 2012 so I'm 15 and the boy who is Lucas is know 14 but back then he was 13)

  "Hey Lucas" I smile, I'm more the kind person who will say hi to everyone.

Kate just glares at Jack and pretends he is not there. "Hi Lucas" she says kindly and continues talking to Alfie.

"Uh hey Kate, hey Sam" Jack says awkwardly, I look at Kate to see what she does but her pink died hair stays facing us while she continues talking to Alfie. 

"Hey Jack, how are you two?" I ask since miss bitchy is not talking, I love her really but she can be really ean when she wants to be.

"Uh good thanks Sam, I'm guessing we are not welcome here" looking at Kate's still back turned. I feel so sorry for him but I don't say anything.

"I'm ok Sam thanks, how are you?" Lucas asks with a smile but when he sees Jack looking at Kate he shakes his head.

"I'm fine thanks" I go closer to the two of them and whisper  "I think it would be better if you guys left, I don't think she is in a good mood with you yet" I look at Jack and he nods, understanding me.

"Ok uh we better go Lucas, bye guys" with that Lucas and Jack leave. I think they hang in the library when Kate is like this or with the other guys who I hate to bits.

  "Sam, don't talk to them, for me please" Kate asks, what? I'm not allowed to talk to them why?

"Uh why?" I ask feeling confused.

"Because he is my ex and I don't want you to talk to them, Lucas is ok yes but Jack no"

"So I can talk to the dramatic one but not the annoying one" she looks at me with the rage flashing in her eyes "ok no talking to them" I squeak. With that the bell rings for registration.

2 periods and its break, yes free for 15 minutes. Well from classes not Kate.

"Sam, hey" it's Georgie running to me "Wait up, Sam" Georgie and me are much closer than the start of academy. We in S3 now and we have just started our year of freedom from exams. I must admit all my friends have had boyfriends and well I have never had one so, Kate has tried to set me up but I tell her no but I can tell she wont give up.

"Hey Georgie, sorry I'm on my way to the Quad want to come" it was hot out side so we normal sit outside to enjoy the sun.

"Yeah" so we walk down to the quad. Kate is down there and Lucas but no Jack. Wait where is he. I look round and Jack is with his group of boys. Ben walks over and smiles at Kate and me.

"Hey Kate, sup Sam" I laugh and give him a hug. I give Kate a hug too but she is taken away by Lucas because they want to talk alone.

"Do you know why them to went off?" they are not far away and they are talking quietly.

"No, I don't Ben sorry but hey how are you?" I smile at him and we talk for a bit while Kate and Lucas are away. At the time I thought maybe Kate was going to have Lucas as her new boyfriend. Lucas is cute and really nice, I had fallen for him but was to scared to ask him. Now I was not sure how I felt about him.

"Hey Sam, come over here" Kate shouts. What does she want now to tell me her and Lucas is going out. Uh if she tells me that then I might just hit her for she knows I had a crush on him a month back but I know I can't hit her for if I did that then one secret would get loss, like how I know that Amy and her new boyfriend are only together because of Amy's mum. Amy told me this and I was talking to Kate when it slipped. I begged Kate to not say a word and she didn't but she does tease me when Amy is around.

"Yeah" I walk over and see Lucas looking at me embarrassed. What did she tell him, I look at Kate wanting to glare.

"Lucas has something to tell you, Lucas?" I look so confused what? Lucas wants to talk to me why?

"Yeah, whats up Lucas?" I smile sweetly. He looks so shy and he is blushing. He is so cute when he blushes, ok yes I still like him but I won't tell him that.

"Uh..." Lucas looks at me and is shaking, what is wrong with him? "uh... uh... nothing" he walks away. I have a confused face but just shrug. Kate mouth is wide open. She looks at me then at Lucas who is now talking to Ben.

"One second" she holds her finger to show one so I nod. She walks over to Lucas and Ben.

"What was that all about?" Georgie asks. She is sitting on the table that has a bench at both sides. She must have been watching the whole thing.

I shrug, giving a small laugh. I walk over to her and start playing with her hoodie lace. It annoys her but makes me laugh and smile. She doesn't really mind sine the lace parts are stitched on to he hood.

I feel a tap on my shoulder but is focused round before I can even do it my self. I see Ben standing in front of me. "What's up..." I don't get to finish me sentence when Ben shocks me with what he says.

"Sam with you go out with Lucas? He is to scared to ask you himself" I look at Ben wide eyed while the information sinkes in. Lucas wants to date me, me, Sam the blonde hair, blue eyed, crazily shy me?

I can even think what to say before my brain does the talking "yeah, sure" Ben walks away and I turn to Georgie. Wait have I agrued to date Lucas, what no I'm dreaming I only imagened it. I look at Georgie and her face says it all. I was not day dreaming.

"OMG Sam, I can't believe it you and Lucas" Kate comes running over and hugs me "he told me he liked you and all but I was kind of scared for him that you might say no but you said yes" she smile. Why would I say no? She knows I had feelings for him. "and it all thanks to me" she smiles.


Hey guys :) real shocker there, but it was when it really happened but why is Kate taking all the credit for seting the up?

I want to know who you like right now Kate or Sam? or do you like the other characters/ my friends?

plz give me your opinions and vote thanks x

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