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Lucas and me see each other at school but we only hug and hold hands since really we both haven't been in a relationship before. So when it came to two weeks Kate had enough of being single and she was getting jealous of Lucas and me so guess who she goes out with. Jack. The same guy she dumped before Lucas and me got together. I find out the day they start to go out.

"Hey Sam" we are at the raditor. It's a cold day so we are huddled to the raditor. Jack and Lucas are there too but are letting Kate and me take up the raditor.

"Hi Kate, how are you" Kate looks at Jack and smiles.

"I'm good, I have some news to tell you and Lucas. Jack and me... were going back out again!" Kate smiles at me then at Lucas but her gaze goes back to Jack.

"Good on you, mate" Lucas talks to Jack.

"Uh thanks" Jack and Lucas have their convosation but Kate starts talking to me so I don't hear.

"OMG Sam, I just love him so much I had to" I tilt my head confused "don't give me that look" I quickly put my head back up straight

"Sorry Kate, just he broke you and now you take the risk again... why?" I ask but I know I shouldn't have.

"Why so noisey Sam! You have Lucas, can I not be happy too" I widen my eyes and have to quick think.

"I'm sorry, I wont ask again" i bow my head like I am a lower rank to her.

"Good, Jack is so nice oh we have to have a double date Sam, Lucas, Jack, you and me that be amazing, No?" she already planing something great.

"Yeah" I say shyly to her not to get on her angry side again.

"So Sam when are you and Lucas going to kiss"

"WHAT" I squick and that gets Jack and Lucas tention.

"I was only asking Sam, don't be so shocked" the bell goes before i can answer. I hug Lucas goodbye till break while Jack and Kate snog infront of us and we go our ways till break.

School went passed slowly after that it was at home that was the worst.

'Heya guys' this was Kate and her group chats

'Hey Kate, how are you?' I reply

'Hi' Jack types and Lucas does the same. The conversation does fine till Kate asks

'So when are you and Sam going to kiss" What not this again.

'Yeah when' Jack asks

I have no clue what to say, what to do till Lucas private messages me from the group.

'Hey when do u want to or do you not want to'

'I don't know, do u want to?' I ask scared in case I am too pushy

'I do if u do' he says to me so I agree and we tell Jack and Kate.

'Well when then?' Kate demands, I never want to hate her but she can be so annoying.

Lucas message me on private message and asks me 'When are we going to'

I get scared and kind of angry at Kate because I don't want to pan my first kiss with a guy I like. 'uh I don't know, when would u'.

'What about tomorrow at lunch?' I just agreed since Kate and Jack were spaming the group conversation.

Lucas and me don't talk about the kiss that day but when it came to lunch Kate had to mention it.

"You two look so cute" Lucas was holding me while I had my folder in my hand. Kate had Jack in her grasp and was looking at Lucas and me.

"Thanks" I blush and hide my face in Lucas neck so no one sees me blushing.

"So when you guys going to kiss?" I knew that was coming.

"We will" Lucas says and smiles at me. I turn to see Kate and Jack snuging again. I turn to see Lucas is still looking at me. He leans in and kiss me. It was a peck but it made me smile.

"We did it" Kate and Jack stop kissing and look at us. I laughed at Kates expression.

"Do it again" Kate demands but I shake my head.

"Why?" I ask looking at her.

"I want to see" pervert! I wanted to shout but had no guts to.

The bell rings to say that lunch has ended. Kate says goodbye to Jack with some more snogging. I say goodbye to Lucas with a quick kiss. "Aww that's cute" Kate says. So she is a pervert oh god. I smile at her and walk to class. Is this the begining of the end???


Hey soz been so long have not had a good month but my brother has been on the computer so will have slower updates but plz don't give up on this story :) tell me what u think might happen and who ever comments will get their name in the next chapter :) x

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