Sam's boyfriend

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What! No I mean why? Ben did it he asked me for Lucas not you. I wanted to call her a lying bitch but that would destroy the whole friendship. The bell rings for third period so it stops me before I have a come back. "Lucas! Come here and hug your girlfriend" Kate shouts to Lucas. Girlfriend, I will have to get use to it I guess.

Lucas walks over hands in his pockets. Wait where's Georgie? She must have left on the bell. "Go on you two hug" Kate pushes Lucas to me. It was so awkward but we did even though it was not a normal hug more a how are you hug. "awwww, right we better go come one Lucas" Kate starts to walk.

"See you at lunch?" Lucas asks. I nod to answer his question "see you then" and he walks away. Jack walks up to Lucas and starts to talk. I am smiling so badly I have to keep my cheeks turning bright red.

The news did not spread that quickly, till I went home and went on facebook. "Hi Sam" my mum shouts as I walk in"

"Hi mum. Mum can I get your laptop?" I shout fro the living room.

"Yes sweety but when I need it you give it back"

"Okay" I shout and log in to facebook. I was sitting on the computer reading news feeds and update my feeds when I get a message from Lucas.

'Hey' it said

'Hi Lucas' I reply. Yes I know you don't want to know our whole conversation so I'll skip some of it.

'So Sam, do you want to make this official' he types. By this time my little brother, Stephan had got home and was on his Xbox. Stephan is two years younger and had just started first year so I had to see him at break and lunch.

'Yeah but you do it since I have no clue how too' I fell so embaressed since Lucas is my first boyfriend but I'm his first girlfriend so it was going to be interesting.

'Okay <3' we never put x's we did try but it was not worth it.

"Sam has a boyfriend, Sam has a boyfriend" Stephan comes through singing.

"Shut up, idiot. Mum has no clue" I hiss but I knew she would once my statues changes because we made a deal. It was either she got my password and was able to see all I put up or add her so she can see what I write. Well I would never give her my password. So I added her. "How did you find out?" not many people knew about Lucas and me yet so how could my brother know.

"Samuel told me" I should have known. Samuel is Lucas's brother and if one of my brothers friends. "I'm going to tell mum" he smirks and runs to mum.

"NO, Stephan" I shout but I know it's to late. I accept Lucas request and that is when my mum comes through with Srephan.

 "Sam has a boyfriend" Stephan giggles and points at me. I'm going to kill him one day.

"Stephan go to xbox please" my mum askes. Stephan looks at her with puppy eyes and is begging to stay "now" he stops the act and walks off "Is it true?" I nod "Whats his name and can you next time tell me your self"

"Sorry mum" I smile at her "His names Lucas and he is in my year" I smile sweetly at her "also he was my friend"

"Well be careful dating a friend could end badly" no one thinks about the ending of a relationship even when you start it because you never want to think about breaking up so this comment just flys passed me.

"Yeah, I know" I look back at the computer and keep messaging Lucas and Kate.

(This is how me and Lucas met if you don't want to read this go to the end)

My first year of academy and I was meeting new people, Amy who was my best friend before academy helped me since I was shy and very unsocial at the time so Amy was my only friend at the time.

On the first day Amy introduced me to Kate and thats how Lucas appeared because Lucas was friends to Kate and Jack. Jack I knew from primary and we always argued. Even though I met Lucas we didn't talk till a show we did.

The show was a James Bond show. I was an extra like Lucas and Jack with a few lines. That was where I met my met best friend who is also called Lucas (N/A so not to confuse you I'll put N after Lucas for this one sotheir different because they are diffrent people but with the same name) but he is cousins to Mark. Lucas N and me got along even though I was S1 and he was S5. I talked to him after finding some confidence to actual speak. He knew my shyness and also want to help me so we got close with that.

Even that was not what made us close but it was when after the show Lucas, Jack, Kyle and some others including me would go to drama at lunch and just talk but also make a racket. That is where me and Lucas would talk and mess around someties he would chase me or I would jump on him and try to knock him over.

Lucas and me were close but I never really say he liked me if I must adimt so the suprise was when he asked me out. I must admit Lucas is not perfect but he is still a great mate even to this day.


Hey guy sorry for the long wait, I'm getting ready for exams and also my friend lost her 2 year boyfriend ( if you read her stories you know that me and her do talk) also started working so it takes some of my time but I'll update as much as I can.

So Sam has a best friend who older than her Bad or good??? give me you opinion also cliff hanger Sam said still a great mates ooohhh so they still together or what????? you have to read on. Plz comment and vote thanks x 

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