Legendary Bird Pokémon TF

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"Holy crap! I've waited for this!" said an overexcited Cherise as she opened the box to see an yellow ring, red ring, and blue rings. I can't wait to give the others to my cousins! She grabbed the the yellow ring which had a lightning bolt on it. She loved lightning as an element. The red ring had a fire symbol it and the blue an ice symbol. These rings were supposed to activate with the weather depending on what kind of weather it was...

When her cousins came two hours later she decided to give them what they wanted hoping that they didn't chose the lightning ring.

Her cousin, who was five years older, named Alicia, chose the ice ring.

"This is so pretty! I'm gonna out this in the freezer tonight when grandma is sleep!"

"It doesn't really work like that Alicia. It helps if you do it when you're outside in the annoying snow!" Cherise said. Thank god that she didn't choose the lightning ring she said in her thought.

It was her younger cousin's turn. Her name was Jada she was 5 years older. Her favorite color was red so she chose the red ring with the fire symbol on it.

"I'll probably put this next to the oven to see what happens." She said in a happy tone.

"Or you could take it outside..." Cherise told her.

"It's snowing outside! How can you make it work of it's colder than heck outside?" Jada asked.

"Never mind." Cherise said.

"We have to wait until grandma's asleep to pull it off. Jada, you use it in the oven, I put mine in the freezer and Cherise you...what is yours?"

"Lightning." Cherise said.

"Okay you put in something with light. It can be anything!" Alicia said.

"Alright. Let's do this!" Cherise said in a ready tone.

That night, when their grandmother was sleeping, they decided to try it out with no results that was cool. Jada had ring next to the stove, it did nothing not even burn.

She nearly burnt herself having it on.

Alicia put her ring in the freezer. Still nothing. Her finger was cold so she took it off instantly.

Cherise didn't even want to put her ring next to the light. She was scared to lose her awesome looking ring...

"Man these rings suck! They don't do anything like they said they would in that book you showed us!" Jada exclaimed.

"Let me check that book out." Cherise told her and Alicia.

She looked at the book that she took from her deep pocket and read the description out loud.

"Can only work in the weather! Don't use use near oven or freezer!"

Jada and Alicia were mad. They felt it wasn't their fault that they didn't believe the rules...

"This stinks!" Jada said again.

Suddenly thunder striked outside that was way too strong along with freezing cold winds.

"What the?" Alicia screamed. Their house began to moved violently. The grandmother told them to stay put. She opened the window out of her out state ness. Lightning striked down fast.

"What are you doing grandma? There's lightning outside!" Cherise told her.

No response.

She reached for the window with her ring on and instantly the lightning was absorbed into the ring right before it attacked her.

"What the heck?" she screamed. She shook off the shock and began to close the door.

The electro shock however went through her body and make her jump.

Alicia went to close the window and the cold wind was absorbed through the ring. She didn't feel any cold at all from trying to close the window.

The chill went through her body leaving her horribly cold and stiff.

Jada finally closed the window after two failures.

"Are you guys okay?" she asked.

"Never felt better." Alicia said.


"No you idiot! I'm froze from the waist down do you think I'm okay?!"

"Sorry Alicia--"

"Get help!" Alicia screamed. She couldn't feel a thing until a few minutes later.

"I'm all better now. How?" Alicia said.

Jada tried to wake up grandma with no results. She was out cold.

"Grandma's out sleep! She's completely gone!" Jada exclaimed.

"It's okay. I'm fine now. Sorry about that." Alicia said.

"What about Cherise?" Jada asked.

Cherise just sat where she was not moving.

"Cherise are you okay?" Jada said. She reached to grab her sweater. only when she did it. she felt a spark of fire which went through her ring and burned her through the body.

"Ow!!" she screamed. She fell down while holding her stomach to the floor. Before she hit the ground, Cherise's speed helped her to pick Jada up.

"Are you guys okay?" She said so quick.

"What?" they both said in unison.

The lightning effect wore down. "Are you guys okay?" she asked in normal speed.

Jada's effect wore off as well. "We're fine!"

"What's up with the effects not killing us? Alicia said in wonder. That's when she noticed Jada's arm growing some feathers.

"Jada your arm..."

She looked at her arms up and down on one side. "I don't see anything... AHH!" she screamed looking at her other arm. The feathers growing simultaneously now showing in yellow feathers. It went all through her body as she got bigger and her clothes broke away. Her mouth went from human to beak as she let out a squawk that woke up their grandma.

Alicia went through the same thing with blue feathers and had her human face turned into a bird's face. Her beak was like a blue birds and she grew a long curly tail and gained blue eyes. She had a frill that went upwards in three like a leaf.

She let out a squawk that was high which woke up the neighbors downstairs.

"You guys are big birds! No freaking way!" She looked at the yellow spiked feathers growing out of arms. She felt that shocking tingle through her spine. Her mouth went from human to a long beak that could be used for a pierce. Her body grew feathers everywhere which were spiked and yellow. She like the others got big and gained some lightning that went through her body raging. Jada grew tail feathers that were long and soon she was burning with fire everywhere. Alicia was pulsing with cold air so cold she freezes the moisture in the house turning it into diamond dust.

Grandma came in too late and saw the huge feathered birds stop sqwaking trying to talk and look at her.

The grandmother was stunned at what she saw but she soon opened the door and let them out. She had wondered where her grandchildren went until she saw the rings disappear on the floor.

"I freed my own grandkids..." She said sadly.

The three legendary birds: Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. They were possibly the only non-existant thing to fly these parts...until they met Lisa the Lugia.

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