Flygon Tf

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Imagine a place where you can just wish and your dream comes true... whatever you want. That's what a few dumb people tried to do as they try to find a kid who is willing to try out their new mixture. No such luck until they found a girl who was crazy enough to hide pictures of pokemon in her books.

Her name was Sarah. Age: 10 Wild about pokemon. Draws them like crazy but there is one pokemon that catches her eye the most. Flygon. Just think about the name and what do you think of. It looks like a combination of a fly and a dragon. Pretty cool. She liked this pokemon so much she wanted to be one. She told the world ahem friends of hers that and they looked at her like she lost it. They respected that anyway and said it was cool. They wanted to be pokemon too.

The kids didn't know though that they was being watched.

"They want to be pokemon?" said a woman. "That's what they'll get. Come on, I've an idea." she said to her partner.

One day when the friends were busy doing god knows what on a glorious day or it should've been (confusing ain't it?) The experimenters came in and decided to jump up and grab the children and take them away to their "magical place."

"What do you want from us?" Sarah said.

The people came up and said "Oh nothing really. We just wanted to make your dream come true."

"What dream? This ain't no dream this is a nightmare!" Sarah screamed.

"Let us the hell out!" one of her friends cried out. "This house stinks!"

"You guys can go but don't you want to experience what it's like to be a pokemon?" The woman replied.

The kids looked in both shock and disgust. What was going to happen to them?

One man held up a weasel and replied, "See we're just here to make you guys happy! All we do is let you drink some this mixtures and bam! You get the end result."

All but one of the children thought they were crazy except one and no it wasn't Sarah. It was her crazy friend Destiny. "OOh that's cool I'll try it." The children looked shocked.

"Ok now to show you guys that we are not crazy." The women forced the mixture down the weasel's mouth and it quickly became a linoone, a pokemon that looks way too much like a weasel. It had brown markings and blues eyes. It tried to escape but the woman wouldn't let it.

"You want try this out still?" The woman said.

"Heck yeah!" Destiny said. She was about to drink the mixture but Sarah knocked it out of her hand. The drink evaporated.

"Oops... guess it only works for animals. Well we won't give up keeping you guys in until we get this straight!" The woman replied.

The kids were screaming in horror and terror. Their friend nearly died and now they have to stay here forever with these freaks who want to play God!

"That could take years!" A boy stated in terror.

Sarah was shaking in fear. She almost fell.

Days came and days went. The kids could not sleep after what they witnessed. Poor Destiny! Poor them!

The crazy people thought they had fulfilled their mixture on the 5th day. The kids were in for it. The man tried to pry one kid's mouth open but failed epically. He tried it on a rat. the result of Destiny's drink came through. It became a ratata, a Pokémon that looks like a purple rat.

Hours later the people thought they had it. Sarah and the others wished they had stayed home instead of being caught and chained up. She closed her eyes and went into a deep trance. Sarah felt a soft ball of light and went closer and closer to it. Outside of her unconsciousness, she started to glow and everyone saw it. A glimmer of hope maybe?

The people saw it and thought she was the one for the experiment. They went to her and she activated the power within.

She grew into a big size turning green with stripes by her growing tail that is growing out of her spine, arms and legs becoming very small with claws. Her eyes became huge and bubbly and orange. Her head grew spikes at the top that curved down. The snout and wings popped out simultaneously.

Everyone looked up on the flygon that was Sarah. The crazy scientists could not believe their what they saw. A child turning into a pokemon? What have they done? Nothing!

The flygon dived into them and used quick attack. The scientists ran off one by one as the children fled the animals.

The kids ran home to their parents to tell them what happened, Sarah went back to being a human and went back to her parents an decided to use her powers for good. Her parents told her that she had the power all the time. She was destined for it. Her parents were proud and so was she.

The scientists went to jail after they were found.

"If you haven't used the wrong ingredient for the mixture we wouldn't--" her assistant cut off.

"Oh shut up." the woman scientist replied.

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