Ch 2: death of oswald

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Years had gone by. Kara and Dagur have hit pre teen years. But tragedy has struck. Their beloved father Oswald has become terribly ill. Dagurs opinion of his father lessening with each day. His thirst for dragons blood and hunger for war growing just as fast. A single will to protect his baby sister from the vicious beasts rages in the back of his mind. He views his father as weak an unfit to rule their tribe.

It's night time and dragons are laying waste to the berserkers island. Kara sits beside her fathers bed in their cottage wiping his forehead with a cool cloth as her eyes teared slightly. He didn't have long.

"My kind child come closer" Oswald encouraged taking Kara's hand as she smoothed out the cloth.

"Dad..." Kara whispered her eyes tearing slightly.

"kara you are not like your brother. I see that now." Oswald wheezed out.

"No daddy..." Kara whispered. He couldn't say goodbye. He couldn't go. Not yet. Not so soon.

"You have a kind heart Kara. But you mustn't stay like must grow strong Kara. This world is full of evil beasts." Oswald told her firmly. He had to make her strong. He had to make her more like dagur. She had to grow up. He had to force that on her now. With his dying breath. Before he lost her as he did his elder daughter.

'They're not evil....they're just misunderstood....they have to have a reason to attack us....i just need to find out what that is.....maybe i can help them put an end to this senseless violence....i'm not weak i'm stronger than you think" kara thought to herself as tears slid down her cheeks. Her fathers breathing becoming ragged.

"Kara you are a beserker. Don't let anyone tell you different. You will always be my daughter. Take care of your brother for me. Be the viking i know you were meant to be" with that oswald breathed his last words. His eyes closed and his chest stopped moving.

"Dad...daddy? Dad! No no no no no no no! Please...please come back... Dad..." Kara sobbed checking his pulse then hugging her fathers neck in hope that somehow he would open his eyes wrap his arms around her and tell her he was alright. But that moment never came.

A few minutes later Dagur swarmed into the cottage furious and yelling at his father. Something about how the dragons were winning and he was doing a terrible job of being a leader. Then he froze and quieted as he noticed the form of his sister. She had turned to look at him tears still streaming down her face. Dagur then quickly put two and two together and he sat next to his sister. He put a hand on her shoulder. He bit his lip. He really didn't have any nice words to say about his father so he decided to go with an ulterior motive to comfort his little sister.

"You've still got me" he said his green eyes hopeful.

"Do i?" She remarked slowly looking up at her brother to meet his eyes. Green met green as flashes of fire rained down from outside.

Dagur was taken a back by his sisters response it was clearly not what the young chieftain expected to hear.

"Of course you do. Why would you ask that?" Dagur asked as he pulled his sister into a hug.

"Nevermind daggie. What's going on out there?" Kara asked nodding to the window where fire continued to rain down. Quick to change the subject. Dagur's always been a bit off the edge but lately he's been extra deranged.  She worried she was losing him to insanity.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Now you just stay here okay? Morning will come soon....then we'll send Dad off to Valhalla." Dagur soothed his saddened sister. He kissed her forehead before heading out the door. Secretly terrified at the fact that he was berserker chief now. But the will to protect Kara as their father failed to do raged in the back of his mind.

Once Dagur left she covered her fathers head and stood from her stool. She reached under the bed pulling out a book. It was on healing, and herbs. She knew dagur was going to overexert himself and become injured again. She was becoming very good at treating people. She knew she wasn't capable of fighting like her brother so she took an alternative route. She was the chiefs daughter. She had to at least meet expectations somehow. But Kara had a secret that no one knew about hidden in the back of the book. It was notes on a mysterious dragon she kept catching glimpses of.

The creature was beautiful and sparkles like a star as it sails through the sky. She figured if she could at least capture the creature Dagur would treat her as more of an equal. Not fight it just capture it. It's scales were impenetrable to spears swords and rocks. Seemingly made out of some kind of diamond. It was faster than nadder though it shared it's ability to fire spikes from it's tail. Kara had never seen the dragon up close merely recording the data in the back of her book as she watched the fight from the safety of the cottage where both Dagur and her father forced her to remain. She wasn't strong enough or Courageous enough to stand her own against a dragon in their eyes but the real reason she didn't participate was that she didn't want to hurt the dragon. As she sat she thought and wondered about dragons and why they lay waste to the village but seemingly only at night. Were dragons nocturnal? Or were they smarter than Vikings thought? Was it tacticious? Were they trying to conquer Vikings before they conquered them?

Kara was shaken from her thoughts as she saw the dragon twinkling in the night. She winced as her brother screamed enraged at the beast throwing axe after axe that just bounced of the dragons scales. It shot a blue blast of fire down at Dagur who rolled out of the way. Dagur swore at the beast enraged but decided to move onto a dragon with softer skin. Raising the axe that had ricocheted back to him he let out his signature war cry before running off to fight and aid his fellow warriors. He had to gain their respect and he had to do it fast. For kara's sake.

Kara touched her necklace with a smile thinking of hiccup. He was like her in a way but he got to be the black smith on Berk. They hadn't been to berk in a few years now. The last time was when they were twelve. Every three years the berserkers journey to berk to Renew the peace treaty that they held. She couldn't wait to see hiccup again. He was such a good friend to her. He understood her struggle as she understood his. Inventing and healing were important but they weren't your normal Viking position.

It didn't take long for morning to come and the dragons to flee as the sun started to rise. Dagur staggered in limping a shard from the crystal dragon embedded in his leg. He had blood on his forehead. Kara couldn't tell whose it was. And he looked drained. Upon seeing Kara Dagur smiled softly. He loved his little sister. He truly did. It was probably one of the only sane thoughts he had left. Kara rushed to his side helping him over to the chair she had been sitting in. She rushed around getting supplies as Dagur watched on in pride. He couldn't help his smile. His sister may not be as good a fighter as him but she sure knew her medic stuff. First she propped up his leg tying some rope around it to stop the blood flow. Without any warning she yanked out the shard it pulling from his leg. Dagur bit the inside of his cheek so he wouldn't scream."sorry Daggie" Kara apologized as she applied some herb that Dagur didn't know the name of to the wound. The bleeding stopped and she wrapped it in rags before she got a clean clothe and wiped at her brothers forehead gingerly relieved to find that the blood on his head was not his own. "Thank you little Sister" Dagur said sincerely. He may be deranged but he could use manners when he wanted to. The only one worthy of that was Kara.

"Get some rest Daggie. I'm going out to get some more herbs and see if anyone else was badly injured." Kara informed her brother tucking the shard and her herb book into her back.

"Okay! But be careful!" Dagur said as he leaned back drifting to sleep. The battle finally catching up with him. As was a sleeping agent Kara had sneaked him knowing her brother would be stubborn and attempt to fight off the slumber.

Kara slipped out the door without another word.

Phew!okay guys I know I haven't updated this in forever but I had to decide whether or not to have Oswald literally die and change the story up a bit. But anyways next chapter is when things get interesting! Please comment if you want more! Comments inspire me to update! Please comment!

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