C h a p t e r 7 ✂

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(Ok, this is gonna be a random chapter. I don't really know much to write at the moment... My brothers are very distracting with playing 'Forza Horizon 2' on their Xbox, so if I start writing about cars, it is not my fault! P.S, check out the game, it is really cool, and the graphics are BO$$! this is gonna be another really long chapter, so sorry.)

(Your POV)

I awoke on the floor to a fucking DELICIOUS smell! I turned to see Papyrus on the couch, taking a small nap, and I didn't look into the kitchen. I got up and went upstairs into the bathroom, where I has stored some on my clothes in a corner in my bag. I found a white tank-top and a pair black gym-shorts that had a stripe of pink down the side. I also grabbed a pair of white sneakers that Tori had gotten when we first met. I walked back down the stairs into the living room, where Papyrus had awoken.

"HELLO HUMAN!" Its (Y/N), for the last time... "HOW WAS YOUR SLEEP?"

I gave him a tired smile. "Oh, it was nice... but my back could feel better." Papy had a twinge of worry on his face.

"YOU SHOULD'VE TOOK UP SANS OR GASTER!SANS' OFFER!" I shook my head, telling him that I didn't want to seem too much of a burden to them as a guest. It seemed like he understood. I then saw Sans peak his head from around the corner.

"Oh, (Y/N)! You're up! Apparently, we make mean eggs and sausage!" I had forgotten that the 2 Sans' had been here. I gave a quick nod to paps and we both got up into the kitchen.

In the center of the little round-table were plates of bread, sausage, and a bowl of scrambled eggs. I couldn't help but to let my mouth water! It almost looked better then Toriel's cooking! Almost...

Sans saw the shit-eating look on my face and laughed. "Well, better than eating spagh-... something else, isn't it?" It was true, Papyrus seemed to only know how to make spaghetti. I giggled in agreement. "Well, let's eat, huh?"

Gaster!Sans gave us plates and we started to plate thing out. Sans and Gaster!Sans made sandwiches out of the fixings without knowing the other did the same. I looked at them strange, and they laughed when they noticed. Sans, out of nowhere, looked at me and his face went a little blue. I looked at him is confusion. "What?"

Gaster!Sans seemed to notice also and gave off a smirk. "Look at you, then look at Sans." I looked at Sans, and then to my own outfit. I blushed so freaking hard, I swore my face was as red as a fucking cherry! Gaster!Sans laughed, and so did Paps. Me and Sans looked awkwardly at one-another, blushing hard. Gaster!Sans seemed to see Sans blushing, and gave him a glare. What the fuck was that for? I thought as I shot Gaster!Sans a warning with my eyes. Gaster!Sans seemed to get the message and continued to eat.

I giggled at the point that me and sans seemed to wear the same thing. I wore a white Tank-top, him, a white shirt. Both had on gym-shorts, but his stripe was white, mine pink. He apparently didn't have on his jacket, which made this situation all the more weird.

We all soon continued eating and I had volunteered to do dishes. About 5 minutes later, I finished and I joined the others in the living room. Happily for us, mostly for me, the TV picked up a few human channels, but only ones with cars on them, like 'Velocity'. I enjoyed that channel personally, because a show called 'Top Gear' (kinda like a talk-show, but with cars) was on, and the people were always funny! They always talked in the best British ascents... My mind then refocused when they were talking about a 'monster' of a car called the 'Hummer Marauder'. (Look at picture below. Red car is the Marauder, next to a regular Hummer. The guy in the middle is one of the guys off of 'Top Gear'! The hummer is actually about 8 feet, which is 2 feet taller than the guy, who is easily about 6 foot. Then, look at the red one compared to the 8-foot-tall silver Hummer... Yah, I know. HUGE!)

After a while, we got tired of watching TV, so we decided to head out to Grilby's

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After a while, we got tired of watching TV, so we decided to head out to Grilby's. On accident, we were practically there all night!

(When we are at Grilby's, thinking about leaving)

Sans drank a few beers, but before he got buzzed, I begged him to stop, and he did. Thankfully, he was still a little sober. Gaster!Sans on the other hand...

"Hey, (Y/N)! Wanna dance?" He threw a hand on my shoulder, putting a little weight down. He was drunk. Great. Just what I wanted to happen...

"No, please, you're drunk. you need to sit and-"

"I-I am not drunk... I'm p-perfectly fine! *hick*" Then he stumbled and ended up sitting on the chair next to him, lazily and quite sad. "O-ok, I might be a little."

"Sans, lets go before he causes a scene... people are already curious why their are practically 2 of you..." Sans nodded in agreement. Papyrus had stayed home, because watching TV made him interested in human transportation technology. We both grabbed one of Gaster!Sans arms and hauled him out of the bar.

(Time-skip to when we get home)

(Sans' POV)

We plopped Gaster!Sans on the couch and I had walked out of the living room to get into the shower. (I didn't know what to write, I just took a shower, so might as well...) (Y/N) had stayed to get him to settle and get some sleep. I laughed at the fact that we was gonna end up with a hang-over from hell! I stepped into the bathroom. the door didn't open all the way, because (Y/N)'s bag was stuffed neatly into the corner. She seemed to be a neat-freak.

I took off my jacket and hung it on the hook behind the door. I turned on the warm water and I took my tee-shirt and shorts off. I hopped in and started to scrub my chest. After a while, I just decided to think. I mean, I don't know why, but I feel weird whenever Gaster!Sans talks to (Y/N).

It's called jealousy. I thought to myself. that's what I think it is. It don't feel right. Gaster!Sans is practically me! But he is not, he is just another version, with different thoughts and actions and personality. I got out of the shower and started to get dressed. I had only had on a new pair of shorts when I herd a yell from the living room.

"Hey! stop!"(Y/N)!

(Cliffhanger! Sorry... Well, remind me that next chapter is gonna be fun!)

Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gaster!Sans X Reader] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now