C h a p t e r 21 ✂

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(Whats 3+7? 21! lol... enjoy this random video... means absolutely NOTHING toward this chapter, but enjoy anyway! This chapter is gonna be long, so sorry! Ok, just noticed that 3x7 is 21... so yah... enjoy it anyways! Also, just figured out that a "Now You See Me 2" Is coming out! YAYZ!!!)

(Gaster!Sans' POV)

I hear footsteps and saw Mettaton pose himself aside the stairwell. He gave the crowd a "Toothy" smile. Heh, speaking he was in a vampire costume...

"Monsters, I give you (Y/N)2.5!"

Why 2.5? Meh... best not ask...

(Y/N) stepped down the steps gracefully. She was fucking prettier then heaven itself!

Son, you still have a chance... Just look at her!

Dad, please. not now!

All right, but snooze you loose!

Sigh, and I have to live with this forever...


Go away!

His presence left and my mind was left to think about her. Wow, how did I pass THAT off?

(Sans' POV)

(Y/N) reached the last step and smiled in Mettaton's direction. He smiled back and walked up to me and gave me a swift pat on the back and giving me a mischievous smirk. To be perfectly honest, Mettaton never told me what she was going to wear, and to see... THIS- I mean, WOW!

"She's all yours." He gave me a small wink and walked off. I could feel my face grow warm and my cartilage grow weak. (Y/N) Walked closer to me and put an hand on my shoulder. I put mine around her waist.

"Happy 19, (Y/n). This is what you deserve." I smile.

Through her pitch-black eyes I could sense that her eyes were filled with happiness. She leaned over and kissed the air next to my cheek. Maybe because she had lip-gloss on...

She and I decided to socialize for a while, soon meeting up with Papyrus and Gaster!Sans.

(Your POV)

This was probably the biggest party I've ever had! I mean, I didn't have a sweet 16, so yah, this was the biggest. I wasn't expecting this, and I was just so happy!

Sans and I met with the other Sans and Papyrus and sat on the couch while the others were jamming out to some tunes in the small house. G!Sans had a black chrome flask in his hand while Paps held an unlit cigar in his teeth.

"HELLO, (Y/N)! YOU LOOK OUTSTANDING TONIGHT!" Papy was always a charmer.

"Thanks, Paps! You do also!"

A little pink blush appeared on his cheeks before it disappeared. He stayed smiling though. "LETS DANCE, (Y/N)! i KNOW YOU LOVE THIS SONG!" Him saying this made me listen more closely to the song that was playing. (F/S) (Favorite/Song)! My smile widened as Papyrus pulled me on the dance floor. I looked over to both Sans with a shy glance. G!Sans gave me a thumbs up.

Napsablook had on his headphones at the turntable, making my favorite song blare out of the large speakers. The flashing lights made the small area seem larger. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing.

(Le time-skip)

After another song gone and passed, Papyrus and I re-joined both the Sans, who seemed to be having a stair-down before I came up. "Guys, don't." They looked up at me and both looked unhappy. I wanted to change the mood. "Well, how about we visit the snack table and chat?" This made them change their mood and we walked into the kitchen, where monsters were gathered and were talking, snacking, and drinking.

"Welp, (Y/N), wouldn't eat anything yet. We have a surprise for you." My eyes glowed, or if my eyes weren't all black that's what would've happened. Sans smiled as Asgore got everyone's attention.

"I do think it is time to feast and give (Y/N) her gifts! Please join me in the kitchen!" I giggled at the fact that Asgore was trying to talk smooth, speaking he was in an Elvis costume. Monsters crowded around the table, where soon a large cake was reveled.


It was a huge 2-tier fudge cake with chocolate frosting. Little white fondant pearls studded the sides. On the top in white frosting spelled out "Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!" and had 19 candles along the top.

I smile widely as I could hear almost everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to me. I tried hard not to let a tear fall, but it did anyway, and it fell painfully. The contacts... they didn't like me! *Sarcasm*

Sans walked up to me and wiped my cheek with his bony finger. I blew out the candles. But the one in the center... Sans chuckled. I shot him a glare that said, 'You did this, didn't you?'

Sans shrugged and gave me a wink as his smile widened. I put the trick-candle out quickly with my fingers, only feeling a little heat. Sans put a hand on my shoulder. He handed me a spatula and smiled. I gladly took it and sliced the cake into many pieces.

(Time-skip 'cuz raisins -lol-)

Everyone enjoyed the cake. I was happy that Gaster!Sans took his time to decorate it and Sans to bake it. By the looks of it, they both have potential!

[Seeing that they all care about you fills you with DETERMINATION]

From what I have learned, the legal drinking age was 18 here, so I thought, Why not?

BurgerPants was by the buffet and was serving drinks. "Hey, BP! could you hand me a glass of champagne so I could make a toast, please?" He nodded and handed me a tall flask of sparkling liquid. I smile at him and the make my way to the middle of the room.

Most everyone got silent. "Hey, guys! I would like to thank you all for such a great party! This one goes out to you!"I lift my glass to the air, monsters who had drinks lifted theirs as well. "Also, thanks Papyrus and Sans for letting us use their house, and to BurgerPants, Mettaton, and Napsablook for setting everything else up!" Some cheers rose and a few glasses clinked. I smiled and took a sip of the drink.

It was strange. It tasted sweet, yet a little bitter at the same time. I had finished half the glass before I thought it was right to put it down, felling that if I finished the whole thing I would end up more drunk then G!Sans that one time... Gosh, I don't wanna think about it...


By this time it was 10 at night and many of the monsters left. The only ones still here included Mettaton, both Sans, Paps, Alphys and Undyne, Napsablook, and a few others that I knew. I was glad Toriel and Asgore left, because what I herd next from Mettaton surprised me out of hell!

"Ok darlings! Sense we are all pretty... drunk and all... why dont we play '7 in Heaven'?" I, at this time, wasn't drunk. The only thing I drank was the half a glass from earlier and I finished it after a while. I was still sober. Sans and Paps also. The rest had been drinking quite a lot, but I was proud of G!Sans for not drinking to the point where it was like last time...

Hey, it is a party, isn't it?

Instead of drawing names from a hat, we all voted. The first two to go in the surprisingly large closet was Papyrus and Mettaton. You could tell they were made for each other!

After the 7 minutes Undyne opened the door and OH MY GOSH! The two were... yah... lets leave it at there! (No, they were just kissing, no worries!)

The next two were a random couple I didn't know well. That went quick and soon, people were starting to talk about making me and Sans go in. I grew worried at what G!Sans would think. But it seemed like he wouldn't mind at the time, so I went with it. (Gosh, I'm evil...)

(I am so sorry, but I leave it here! I have yet to get ready for testing tomorrow and It is getting quite late... But no need to fear! I promise I will update tomorrow! Welp, I am still taking requests for future chapters, so if you wand to see something done, let me know! THANKS FOR BEING AWESOME, BESTIEMUSH!)

Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gaster!Sans X Reader] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now