C h a p t e r 37 ✂

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(Heh, don't get surprised if you see a new cover in about a week, a good friend of mine is making a new one for me! I will link her here in a sec...


Yup, Thanks! RIP soon-to-be-old cover!

Yup, Thanks! RIP soon-to-be-old cover!

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Don't worry... I'll hold a ceremony when the time comes. lol. Welp, hope you enjoy!)

(Error Sans' POV)

"Shit!" I cursed aloud when Rebecca's code got shattered by the Original Sans. She dispersed into thin air. I was happy to have almost killed him, yet I was quite disappointed to see that another one of my creations have failed to finish the job.

Another waste of code.

(Heh. sorry, short. *shrugs*)

(Gaster!Sans' POV)

It was around 8:00 PM and I ended up carrying Sans To Alphys' place. H was too weak to stand on his own, and I was sure that (Y/) carry him. She already called Alphys and Papyrus. I was afraid that Paps would 'over-do' it... but he took it surprisingly after he was able to hear Sans' voice.

We had finally arrived to the large lab, (Y/N) seemingly looking about ready to knock the over-sized doors off their hinges.

I could hear Alphys as she came running to the door and made a swift 'U' turn to a spare room where she could operate.


It took about two hours of waiting till Alphys came from the direction where she operated on Sans. Papyrus jolted from his spot when Alphys gave us a sad look. I could see tears welling in (Y/N)'s beautiful (e/c) eyes and Papyrus crying. I felt a wave of sadness smack me across the face like a hard leather glove.

Alphys led us all up to the darkened room where Sans was. I was the first to say mu goodbyes.

(Your POV)

G!Sans look a step toward Sans and kneeled next to his bed. Sans looked up to him with a sad face.

G!Sans look a deep breath. "I wish I've never treated you like that, Sans. I-"

Sans shushed him. "No, I should be the one apologizing. I was the one being a dingus," he cracked a small smile to him before G!Sans stood to let Paps talk to him.

"BROTHER. I AM SO SORRY. I SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE WITH YOU." Papyrus cried into his brother's bloodied jacket. Sans put a boney hand on his shoulder.

"Paps, there was nothing for you to do. Even I didn't know this was gonna happen. Lighten up a bit and be a good man, Paps. I'll be with you forever, in your heart."

I let a tear fall as I herd what Sans had to say to his brother. Paps wiped his face with a handkerchief and smiled at Sans. Sans returned it and whispered into Papyrus' 'ear'. Papyrus only smiled and shook his head in playful disappointment and whispered back: 'SHUT UP, SANS.' Sans chucked and coughed.

I knew it was me next. I kneeled respectfully next to Sans' side and closed my eyes, failing to keep back a tear. Sans looked up to me and set his hand on my face. He wiped away the rebellious tear away with his thumb. I put my hand on top of his, which was still on my face.

"(Y/N)? Take this for me. He held out his hand, which held a cracking blue heart. I knew all too well what this was.

"W-what?!? You want m-me to take your s-soul?"

"Yes. I know you will take good care of it for me."

"Why n-not Papyrus or G!Sans?"

"Because," Sans coughed. "I trust you."

I reach for the soul, but as I barely touch it, Sans' eyes grew wide. Then, I felt it.

Surging pain through my body. I dropped my hand away from the soul and moved it strate to my head; where my tumor was.

(OOOOHH! SO SORRY, It is almost midnight and I have testing tomorrow... So you are lucky I made this update! SO SORRY TO CUT OFF LIKE THIS! I dare you to guess what is happening in the comments! See you soon, my little fruits; and see you on the flip-side, bestiemush!)

Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gaster!Sans X Reader] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now