C h a p t e r 22 ✂

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(Like, I am scared right now. My brother, not my twin, is in the ER... Yes, I have a twin brother, but that isn't the thing right now! My brother has, of what I remember, an air pocket in his side and a large dark mass that I think he said was shit... lol, I know, tmi... But The doctors now say that their may be an infection, so please pray for the best! Well, I am writing this chapter to get my mind off of that, so enjoy anyways.)

(Your POV)

Sans had walked in first and I soon followed. The closet was very dark, which didn't help the fact that the lenses I had in limited my vision. All of the sudden, I hear a snap and a light blue light shown in front of me. Sans' left eye glowed, along with a little blue flame that danced around the fingers he snapped. He had calm eyes and a wide smile, like usual. But there was something different this time...

With his other hand he took his hat off and held it at his chest. The flame around his other had faded slowly and dissipated, the light in his eye stayed though. He shyly looked at the ground before lifting only his eyes to look at me. His smile got a little wider.

I smiled along, allowing the light to help me fine my way up to Sans, which wasn't that far anyways. I put a hand on the back of his head. Him being only a little shorter than me, (Sorry, you are now 5 foot 2, he is 5 foot...) this seemed easy.

I barely lean down so I faced him. I reached for the hat he still had a his chest and put it on. He chuckled. We leaned in and we kissed. I could only taste a small hint of alcohol, as I am pretty sure he could with me as well. We weren't drunk, but at least we still enjoyed ourselves. We kissed for about 30 seconds before he pulled away. I was breathing heavy.

Sans smiled up at me again. I giggled at his grin. I always loved it when he smiled...

I didn't dare speak. The light in his eye pulsed with power, like a heartbeat. I smiled back again at him and tilted the hat far down the side of my face where a corner of my mask held it up. We kissed again, more deeply this time. I know it is strange kissing a skeleton, but it felt right.

I felt tongue. I was a little confused, but I ignored it anyways. Time seemed to last forever. It was nice. We kissed in between breaths. I heard the door soon open.

"Ok, Darlings. I think your 7 is finished!" I heard a giggle and I turned to see Mettaton and the others smirking about the scene, except...


He seemed to be unhappy with the situation. I still felt really bad to braking his heart when agreed to date Sans. But as long as Sans is nice and doesn't do anything stupid, then I won't leave him...

I look behind me to see Sans following, his eyes already back to the white pupils they were before.

I laugh along with the others, along with Sans. G!Sans just sat on the couch with a bottle of makeup removal. He got up and went into the bathroom. I smile after him as he took a glance behind his shoulder. He quickly looked back ahead of himself and walked into the restroom. I look down at sans, who only shrugged and whipped his hat playfully of my head, careful not to ruin my hair. I smile at him.

(Sans' POV)

I could tell that (Y/N) felt really bad about Gaster!Sans. I mean, I feel bad also, but It isn't the same... I promised that I would let nothing bad happen to (Y/N), even if it meant to keep him away.

Sigh, what have I got myself into?


The rest of the party left and left me, Papyrus, (Y/N), and G!Sans to clean the rest of the place up. It wasn't very bad, speaking Mettaton, Alphys and Undyne helped clean dishes and everything other than getting rid of the decorations.

Gaster!Sans had stayed silent for the rest of the night from when me and (Y/N) walked out of the closet for 7 in Heaven.

"Sans, I am going to get these lenses out, they are starting to get uncomfortable to wear..." Honestly, I missed her (E/C) (Eye/Color) eyes.

(Another time-skip!)

I saw (Y/N) walk back down the stairs, but this time without her mask or her blackout contacts. She did still have the dress and her cat ears on. It looked like she cleaned the makeup off and kept her hair as is.

She still looked more beautiful then ever.

(Your POV)

I hung around Sans and Gaster!Sans for a bit till Papyrus has said that he was ready to go to bed. I went to his room to see him in his PJ's and under his covers. I smile at him.

I tell him a short story about what had happened in the above-ground after the war, telling him that it was peaceful, yet very lonely... And that was the truth.

Before I knew it, he had passed out and I walked back down the stairs to where both Sans were glaring at one another. How do I live with this?

I look at the time. Almost midnight. Shit...

"Sans... the time...?" This broke their concentration. G!Sans looked at the clock hanging in the living room.

"Yah, it is late... Good night, (Y/N)." He smiled at me, but was still a little mad at Sans for what seemed like no reason. I walked up to him and hugged him. He seemed surprised, but went with it. I could sense Sans smiling at the point that I am not leaving G!Sans out. I let go and smile at him and turn to walk up the stairs to the bathroom.

I got dressed out of the dress and into a white tank-top with a skull on it (I am wearing one now, lol) and black legging shorts. I hopped in bed with Sans, who seemed to not bother to get out of his suit. I smile at him and point silently to his dresser. He got up and I re-left the room so he could get dressed.

A few minutes later I walk back in and Sans was sitting on the edge of the bed in a white tee-shirt and black gym shorts. He looked up to me and smiled. I playfully hopped back on the bed and stole all the blankets.

"Ha, very funny. Now come on, I may be a skeleton, but I don't want to be chilled to the bone!" I giggle at his pun and I give him some blanket. I lay my head on his chest as he got settled. We cuddled for a while, laughing at stupid puns he would crack.

We settled down. Him being a skeleton, you wouldn't expect to hear anything If you layed on his chest. But instead, I listened to the soft humming sound it made. I was puzzled. I kinda wanted to know what It was...

Sans could probably sense my confusion. "It is my soul, (Y/N). It is the power it gives off that makes it sound like that." He leaned up and I got off his chest. He took his shirt off. Heh... I don't get tired of that...

Just under his ribs lay a glowing blue heart. It pulsed the way a human heart would. I look at it in wonder. I mean, I had seen him one other time without his shirt and I didn't see it, so this once again confused me. As if responding to my confusion, his heart faded away into nothing.

"Don't worry, I can make it appear when I want." He gave a shy smile and layed his head once again on his pillow. I placed my head back on his chest, listening to his soul pulse. I could almost feel the power itself. It was calming...

[Knowing that he loves you fills you with determination]

(Sorry, I end there! Well, that is probably the closest I will EVER get to a lemon... so yeah... Well, still no word on my older brother... I am worrying hard right now. I just fucking hope he is ok... Well, I need ideas, so I am taking requests! PLEASE AND THANKS, and help me hope that my brother will be ok! When I know what is happening, I will tell you. Thanks! Also, I AM OPEN FOR NEW COVERS! If It goes with the story, I will think about using it, Please and thanks!)

Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gaster!Sans X Reader] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now