Chapter 6: Crusty Creep Back At It Again?

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December 14th, 2015
2:05 p.m.
Barcelona, Spain
Maremagnum Mall

Ziara's POV
I can see Neymar speaking with the creep, gosh this boy can get so protective! Ugh! He was walking back, but that creep was just smirking, I don't know why, but something just didn't seem right, I feel like I've seen him somewhere, I don't know, but I have a really bad feeling about this guy, something just didn't seem to fit...

Neymar came back, and put his arm around my waist, at this point I didn't even care, he made me feel protected. But, who was that man?! He just seemed so familiar, and something seems so shady about him.... Ney and I bought the jumpsuit, and went to get ice cream! God bless! I LOVE ICE CREAM!!!

Neymar's POV
THAT PIECE OF SHIT! How dare he look at Zee! I was talking to him, and I doubt anything got into his stupid brain, he was just eyeing Zee like it was nothing. Like DUDE ARE YOU FREAKIN BLIND?! The girl had a man aka me standing with her, and you still stare at her. I could tell Zee was freaked out, and this man's presence definitely got her uncomfortable, but I will be there to protect her!

As soon as Zee and I finished eating, we were walking around, but she seem so stiff, so I needed to do something to clear the atmosphere....

Ziara's POV
After seeing that man, I don't know, but I was so shaken, I just can understand why, but there was something about him, UGH even the ice cream didn't help... I knew Ney could tell I was uncomfortable so he held me close the entire time, which I didn't mind at all, I just felt so safe in his arms, I really miss US...

All of a sudden, this boy drags me into some random store, what the hell! Ugh!
"Zee I need new clothes, I don't have anything to wear!" Umm, Neymar had a closet FULL of clothes and this kid tells me that HE DON'T GOT ANY!

"Umm excuse me, you need clothes? Ney, last time I checked, you had a closet FULL, wait lemme correct myself, OVERFLOWING with clothes..."

"I know, but see, since I'm at Marc's place until my heater is fixed, and I don't have all of my clothes with me, I need new clothes!" He pouted.

"Neymar, it's just your heater, you can chill, we can just grab your clothes on the way home..."

"NO, I want new clothes!" He crossed his arms like a little boy...
This boy is going to be the end of me!

After some more shopping, I was able to persuade Neymar to get some food! FINALLY WE ARE GOING TO GET LUNCH!!! Oh my god! I'm starving!!! We were in the food court, and I really didn't know what to eat, but to be completely honest, I just wanted to eat! And at this point that was all that mattered!

Noodles, burgers, fries, shawarma's, paella's, what shall I eat! It smelt so good, I literally am able to devour the world right now! Suddenly Neymar interrupted my thoughts "What do you want to eat? Any ideas? I'm kinda confused..." Now that I think about it, I really want a Pad Thai!

"I think I'm getting a Pad Thai from Thai Express, you??" I asked.

"Me too, I'm going to get a Pad Thai as well. How about you find us seats while I get the food? I mean if that's okay with you of course..."

"Sure, I'll go find the seats," I was just about to leave when Ney called me again. "Umm, can I have your number, I mean I need it in order to find you and just in case for emergency purposes and yea, please?" He rambled.

"It's okay Neymar, you can have my number. 1-800-HOTLINEBLING (Jk, please make some number up, obviously too lazy to figure out a number)." We exchanged numbers and Neymar went to get the food and I went to look for a table.

As I was walking, I felt someone's eyes on me, definitely not Neymar because he was on the opposite side.. This suddenly reminded me of that creep, making me quite nervous, so I called Ney, I mean why not, not that it would hurt anyone.

"Missing me already I see.. Is everything alright?" He asked.

"It's just that I feel like I'm getting followed Ney."

"I just finished ordering, the food should be here soon, I'll be with ASAP. Just relax. Don't be scared..." He assured.

"It's just that man, from the store, I feel like I know him, he-he just seemed so familiar, and for some odd reason, he made me feel kinda scared. I don't but something doesn't seem right about him. Perhaps that's why I'm feeling so paranoid or something."

"Don't worry, you're safe. I will be with you shortly, and if you'd like, I can still talk to you." He offered.

I turned around and there was nobody following me, I might just be imagining things.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm good now! Thanks!"

"No problem, I will see you in a bit!"

He hung up, and I continued walking. Finding a seat at a malls food court on a Saturday is literally Mission Impossible.

I continued walking when someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around and it was him...

Author's Note

CLIFFHANGER- who is he???
This chapter was long overdue! I really apologize, I was stuck with a bunch of school stuff, exams, culminatings, and all of that stressful stuff. But Chapter 6 is finally here! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! I know this was another crappy filler chapter, but Ziara seems to be much more comfortable with Neymar. They seem to be having a lot of fun! But who is the individual? Zee's old friend? Crusty creep? Ex-boyfriend? Ney? Who can it be? The possibilities are endless.
Comment down below of what you think will happen in the coming chapter's. Please vote and give your feedback on how I can improve. If you have any ideas you would like me to include, please let me know, and I will try my best to fit it in...

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