As a special reminder to Debi, I had arranged for the occasion to be remembered with a photo shoot as this would allow us some time to be together and have lots of photos to keep too.
The morning was spent with our friends, brunch was a simple meal and followed by more champagne and some battenburg cake.
In all it had been a wonderful morning and Debi didn't seem to be too fazed at passing another milestone in her life, she actually seemed to be enjoying the day.
"I would like to make a toast....."
We all got together and raised our glasses
"To all my wonderful friends, thank you for your gifts and for being a part of my life....Im now officially a MILF"
What a start to a perfect day x
Everyone went their separate ways until the party which gave us enough time to get changed into something a little more elegant before meeting with the photographer.
And so we were ready, the photo shoot location was a 15 minute walk along the concourse and arm in arm we left the room, down the stairs and out into the sunshine. I felt so proud to be with my girlfriend and we received a great deal of appreciative stares too.
Debi walked alongside me and gripped my hand as we approached the building, which was dominated by a large wooden door. She knocked and waited, an intercom buzzed
"May I ask your business today"
"Hi, we are here for a photo shoot this afternoon with Christina"
"First name terms with the photographer are u babe?"
Debi looked at me and smiled
"It says her name on that plaque by the door"
"Ah, I missed that.....sorry"
"Don't be, Im guessing she will be the person we need to see"
The door opened and a young girl who looked no older than 18 peered out at us
"No, Im just the receptionist. If you will follow me I will take you to her"
Debi walked ahead of me as we entered the spacious building
The girl led us up a flight of stairs to a door marked "Studio 2"
She knocked lightly and then entered.
In the centre of the room we saw a petite blonde currently taking photos of a cute girl..
She turned to the three of us
"We are just about finished, please take a seat in my study room"
The receptionist led us to this room and said that Christina would be with us shortly
We sat in silence and held hands, moments later she appeared
"Sorry for the delay, I didn't expect that photo shoot to over-run"
"That's ok"
"So which of you is Debi"?
"That would be me"
"And today is your birthday??"
"Yes it is......"
"And how can I help you today?"
I chose to speak and looked directly at Christina who had taken a seat across from us.
"For my girlfriends birthday and as a memory I would like for some photographs to be taken, and you come highly recommended"
Christina looked directly at me and seemed to smile in a coy manner this gave me a short opportunity to study her features and be impressed with her physique. I also noticed that her shirt rode up slightly as she spoke, and that she was clearly not wearing a bra underneath.
"Lets move into the studio area and commence the photoshoot, are you wanting elaborate poses or just holding hands, perhaps a few with kisses too?"
"Whatever you think best we are happy to go with the flow"
"OK, well I suggest we do just that and go with the flow"
Thirty minutes later and several completed camera films, Christina called a halt to the proceedings and took a copy of the negatives from the first role into the dark room and asked us to follow her.
"Now using the old fashioned methods, you can see the fruits of labour and have a look at the shots, if their are any you do not like we can destroy them from the final run"
We looked through the photos, they were magnificent and Christina had captured the essence of the both of us to perfection, I was not disappointed and I could see that Debi too was very impressed with her work.
We took a break as Christina instructed her receptionist to get us a drink, she came into the room and led Debi to the study....
As I waited, Christina approached me
"Here's my card and the total cost of the photos"
To be honest the amount did not bother me, for this was our special day....
I joined Debi in the study room, and then we said our goodbyes to Christina and thanked her for being our 'chaperone' and making this day one to remember.
As we left the building, Debi spoke one last time with Christina and I went on ahead, then I remembered the card in my pocket and turned it over to which it read
"Id really like to take some photographs of you, alone, call me".....

Vegas Dreams And Nightmares (Book 4 of my life story)
Non-FictionThe setting is Vegas and it is the 50th Birthday of my girlfriend. The ruin of so many and the dreams too are about to be realised as myself and six other friends aim to make this the holiday to remember. But heartache lies around the corner in the...