I woke up early and decided to go for a run.
This holiday had been a wonderful release for the both of us but we had got lazy and neglected to keep our bodies toned and healthy, I guess all the planning had got in the way of the serious side of life.
Six months ago I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder which meant that I needed to keep a steady slow of endorphins moving through my legs, this could be done two ways...Drug control or exercise...
The pills were running low and I knew that their would be not enough to get us to the end of the holiday, Debi was aware of this and we had both spoken about getting a bit more healthy after the excitement of her birthday was over.
I silently got dressed and kissed my beautiful girlfriend on the forehead, she awoke instantly with a smile on her face.
"Going for your run babe??"
"Yes and I will be gone for a while, I managed to arrange a route with the gym master and this is my first opportunity to look it over, their is a fun run later in the morning too"
"Wow, you really are committed....I would love to join you but.......after the exertions last night I think I really need some sleep"
I looked over at Debi, God I loved this woman, she had to be so nice, all of the time....
"Are you gonna stay in bed all morning??"
"No, I was hoping to go for a walk and properly explore the area"
"You do that Debi, I'm sure it will do you a lot of good"
"I wish I had the energy to be able to come with you, but I'm an old lady now...."
"Hey darling, less of the old....Cant argue with the lady though"
"Its fine babe, go for your run and we will meet up later".
I left the room and made my way down to the lobby, taking the card from my pocket I dialled the number on it.
"Christina, can I help you"
"Its Holly, I was at your photo studio the other day with my girlfriend"
"Of course, Holly I'm so happy you rang me...."
"You said you want to photograph me??"
"Yes that's right, and if your happy to I want to take some photos of you naked"
"Naked eh? And what will I be wearing while you are naked."
I heard giggling in the background, "Not me silly.....you!!!!"
"I know, just a little joke..."
"The front door to the studio is open, just come through. Its my receptionists day off"
I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing.....
"Hi Christina"
"Hi Debi, she just rang me"
"I thought she might, have fun with her"

Vegas Dreams And Nightmares (Book 4 of my life story)
Non-FictionThe setting is Vegas and it is the 50th Birthday of my girlfriend. The ruin of so many and the dreams too are about to be realised as myself and six other friends aim to make this the holiday to remember. But heartache lies around the corner in the...