She Didnt Want Me

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Sitting at the bar just looking around gasping everything , i see Dj Skitz a.k.a my cousing Derrell setting up . He looked over at me & gave me a nod i gave one back in return . I turned back around to face the bar tender Serenity . She's the baddest bar tender in the entire Miami Dade . And she's my bestfriend . "What would you like to drink bae ?" she asked . "You know my favorite drink boo pink ciroc put it on ice" i said with the come on son face . She whipped it up in 15 seconds and it was just right .

I took it to the head and started eating the ice as i turned around in the bar stool . Meek Mill levels started blasting through the sound system and people slowly started filling up the club . I was proud of myself i owned the hottest and biggest club in Miami right now . The 3rd floor was V.I.P for strippers . 2nd floor was also all strippers and the 1st floor was a regular club for those who aren't interested in strippers . I put K.O.D out of business 3 months ago . It wasnt easy but i did it . Little oh Renee' Jackson did it .

The way i was going last year and 9 years before that you would have thought i was gone end up dead or in prison . I was bitter and mad as fuck at the world , i hated people and the bullshit that came along with them . I had an attitude that was worse then the devils . The way my mind was set up , everyone was out to get me and hurt me ! It all started back when i was 14 ....


"Baby come on" my aunty Tammy said . My mom had left me in the house alone for almost a month with no money , food , water or clean clothes . I had been stealing food from convient stores or eating at my bestfriend Keviana house . Her parents would always ask me where is my mom but i was to ashamed to tell that she abanded me ! I would say "She's always busy with working" . She left without even saying a word to me . I mean there wasn't even any signs that she was leaving . I came home from school one day and she wasnt there . I waited and waited , she still didnt show up . When i woke up the next morning it still wasnt any sign of her . And i would look out the window every morning and night hoping to see her come walking down the street . My hopes were shot down when she never showed up after a 2 weeks . After that i completely lost all hope on life . I figutred she didn't love me !

There was a gas leak in our 1 bedroom apartment that was in bad shape in Fort Lauderdale . I didn't know anything about gas so i didn't pay attention to it . Then thats when the apartment caught on fire when i was asleep . I didnt even know until fire fighters were carrying me out . When i got outside there was a detective asking me all kinds of questions like where are my parents . "My father died when i was 4 and my mother hasnt been home in almost a month" he looked concerned and angry all at the sametime . He asked me do i have any relatives that i could call , i answered "Yes my auntie Tammy smith" . They called her and she came to get me .

She bought me clothes , i had my own room . We talked about boys , we hung out , she helped me with my homework . She was like a new mom to me ! That went on for a good year , then she started staying home less and less . She was getting a check for me and she would give me half of it but after awhile that stopped . The night of my 15th birthday she gave me a necklace set and 2 new outfits. She said "Kema i love you and i will never turn my back on you like Tranice did" (my moms name) . I felt love and wanted until she moved her boyfriend in with us ... EVERYTHING CHANGED AFTER THAT ....


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