8. Protecting her from her wall

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Note the change of POV!

Declan's POV

It was the day of my match against Blake Forbes and I was a mess. I hadn't slept properly since my fight with Goldilocks and every time I worked out, all I could think about was her. I'd texted and called her several times, asking for her to just talk to me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, hoping for a text from her.

No luck.

I shoved it back into my pocket and grabbed my suitcase off of my dresser. I had to go, I couldn't keep spacing out like this or I was going to lose today.

I wonder if she'll be there.

Damnit, I need to get her off my mind. I heard the front door to my house open so I made my way to the hallway to see my dad waiting for me.

"Ready to go, son?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied quickly, walking out the door to the black car. I put my suitcase in the trunk and then got in the back seat. It was a two hour drive to the arena and I had never been more nervous for a match in my entire life. Not because I was scared of my competitor, I was scared she wouldn't be there. Or if she was, I would lose my concentration because I wanted to talk to her. I pulled my phone out of my pocket again and texted her, asking her to call me. I officially felt like a creepy stalker. I think I sent her over twenty texts the last few days and I'd called her at least ten times. I stared at the screen, willing her to text or call me. I didn't even care if she just sent one word. I just needed her to talk to me so I could focus on my match today. After a while, I couldn't stand it anymore, I called her again. After a couple rings it went to voicemail, making my stomach turn because I knew she had seen me calling and decided to ignore my call. When it beeped for me to leave a message, I let loose.

"Goldilocks, I need you to talk to me. I'm desperate, I'll do anything you want, just call me. I have a match today and I cant focus because you are consuming my mind! Please, I'm begging you." I let out all my feelings and then hung up. I had always been an honest guy. I didn't like to talk much but when I did, I wasn't going to beat around the bush. I stared at my phone again, waiting for it to beep, telling me I had a text or that she was calling.

"Declan, get your head in the game. You can't be worrying about a girl right now." My dad's voice came from the driver's seat and I immediately felt embarrassed that he had heard my message to Goldilocks.

"I know." I replied. I looked back down at my phone again. It was ringing! I immediately pressed the answer button and put it up to my ear.

"Goldi!" I yelled into the phone.

"Declan, I just called to tell you to leave me alone." I felt my heart sink at her words. I finally get to hear her voice and she has to say that?

"Why? I know I pissed you off and I'm sorry but don't cut me off." I replied, putting strength behind my voice despite my stomach turning. There was a long pause and I felt like I was going to implode from how nervous I was. This girl had me hanging on her every word.

"I hate men." She said. It felt like she was saying it more to herself than to me but I responded anyways.

"I know...but I'm different." I responded, trying my best to sound confident. There was another long pause.

"I'll see you in an hour." She said and then I heard a click.

Wait, what?

It's a two hour drive to where my match is which means she was already on her way when she called. I felt my heart leap at the thought and all of my worries washed away at this realization. All of a sudden, I was able to concentrate on the match and getting into my boxing mindset. I grabbed my headphones from my bag, put them in and turned on my music, imagining how I would win this match. And afterwards, I would get to talk to Goldilocks. I smiled slightly at this thought.

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