19. Protecting her from being alone

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The day I should be spending with my mother and sister but instead I was sitting alone in my dorm room while everyone else spent it with their families.

I buried my face into my knees as I clutched my legs closer with my arms.

This was the first holiday I would have to spend without my mom and not only that but my sister still wasn't talking to me. My heart clenched at that thought.

I heard the door to my room open and I lifted my head at the noise.

"Declan..." Butterflies flew in my stomach as I looked up to see the man who had nursed me back to health just a few days ago. He gave me a smirk and then walked up to me and grabbed me up out of bed.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed. He laughed as he looked down at me.

"You're coming to my dad's house for thanksgiving." He said happily.

"I-I can't. That's..." I couldn't find the words I was looking for.

I couldn't intrude like that.

"Goldi, you're not staying alone in your dorm room for thanksgiving. I won't allow it. I'm bringing you with me. Now, you better get dressed. As much as I like those pajamas your wearing, I don't think they are appropriate for dinner." He winked at me on the last sentence. A blush colored my cheeks as he walked me to the tiny closet in my room and set me down. I picked out a gold and black sweater dress and gold leggings before rushing to the bathroom to change. I quickly got into the clothes and then grabbed my black boots and slipped them on.

"Are you sure?" I asked before he got to the door. He turned his face to me for a moment and smiled reassuringly.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." His tone of voice made me think he wasn't just talking about thanksgiving dinner and it made my blush grow darker. I slowly walked up to Declan and wrapped my arms around his torso. He stiffened slightly for a minute but then relaxed and embraced me.

"Declan, you are the most amazing man I've ever met." I whispered into his chest.

"Goldi, can I ask you something before we go?" I looked up at his face and nodded.

"Can I introduce you to my dad as my girlfriend?" He asked; a blush coloring his cheeks. His question made my heart skip a beat and then speed up. I felt tears prick my eyes but I blinked them away.

"Are you asking to introduce me as that or asking me to BE your girlfriend?"

I needed it to be clear. I didn't want to get my hopes up for no reason.

"The latter." He said and his blush grew darker.

"Then yes. I would lo-like that."

Oh my god. I almost said the L word.

"Alright, now that we have that settled, you ready to go...girlfriend?" I laughed lightly and then nodded.

I couldn't believe I actually had a boyfriend.

I was becoming more normal than I ever thought possible.

We walked out the door, hand in hand, and drove Declan's car to his dad's house. When we pulled up, I looked out the window to see a really large, beautiful home. It was made of a tan brick that made it look similar to a cottage. We got out of the car and walked up the front steps. Declan knocked on the door and then took a step back beside me. When the door opened, he slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close.

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