Chapter 5

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I stared at Yuri in disbelief. How the hell did he get in?

" Cat got your tongue?" He smirked. I tried to speak but his hand was still covering my mouth. He slowly bought his hand away and I glared at him.

" Why are you here? Did you follow me?!" I demanded. I ran my fingers through my hair roughly. I'm in big trouble...

" Follow you? I would never Kitten. I simply asked your dear manager where you lived." He sat down, placing his hands behind his head, flexing those gorgeous muscles. My eyes were immediately drawn to his toned body and warmth rushed through me.

"Ryan would never give out employee information willingly." I stated matter of factly ,crossing my arms. Yuri looked me over and moistened his lips.

It was so hot although his stare was unnerving. It was the kind of stare I use to get back home, back when I savoured the feeling. Now it kind of scared me.

" Oh he wasn't cheap, I can assure you." He grinned, flexing purposely. I gulped and whipped my head away from the sight.

" Would you please leave?I don't appreciate strange men in my apartment. Expecially those uninvited." I requested, shaking slightly.

" I'm sure you have men over alot?"
" excuse me?" I asked through gritted teeth.
" It's a part of the job is it not?" He smirked. This bastard was enjoying this, maybe getting off on it. The sick fuck! Just relax Rosy. Do not release the beast just yet...

I took deep calming breaths. Sacha barked loudly at the door. I turned slowly.

"It's just my men Kitten" there's  that damn nickname again.
" I am not a prostitute Mr- whatever your last name is." I explained calmly.

" You're not?" He asked adding a smirk at the end.
" No. Now can you leave."
" Wait a-" He got cut off by the blaring of his iPhone. I winced as he answered the phone, in Russian may I add and he did not look happy. In fact he swore over the phone, it was kind of amusing actually.

He hung up after a short while and looked at me. " I have to go."
" Good riddance." I muttered lowly.

I froze as he started coming closer. I could smell his cologne and it was making me feel woozy. "Y-yuri" I stuttered.

He stroked my cheek lightly. The mere brush of his fingers sent my hormones crazy. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling he gave me. It was like nothing I've ever felt before but I knew it was dangerous and yet I did not want to care. I wanted him, I wanted this man to take me to unexplored heights even if it was just for one night.

He leant closer, his stubble brushing my cheek. " I will be back Kitten, I promise." He whispered determinedly. I watched in a daze as he walked out.

I looked at Sacha,who was watching me, her head leaning towards the door. " Sacha I think we have a problem" I sighed before going to the bathroom for a much needed shower.

The next day I was sitting at the bar,at work talking to Richard. He was the bartender here, he was young and rather good looking. I only liked him because he snuck me free drinks whenever that asshole Ryan wasn't looking, well that's one of the reasons.

" Here. You look like you need it." He handed me a beer, I lifted my head slightly from the table. I was exhausted, I never got any sleep last night after Yuri left. I kept thinking about what could happen as well as all the things Yuri could do to me.


" Thanks Richie" I sighed. I took a long swig and sighed in content. " You know I heard that there's no one better to confide in than your bartender" Richie winked and I laughed.

" man you look so shit when you wink. " Richie pouted. " Rosy my darling, you wound me"  He placed a hand over his heart pouting.

"But seriously tell Richie the problem"

I looked at Richie before sighing. "There's this guy right. He's so hot and I'm having inappropriate thoughts about him."  I paused.

" continue "
" The thing is that I shouldn't have these thoughts because he's bad news and it will ruin my life, he will ruin me Richie" I stressed. Richie looked at me thoughtfully before leaning over the bar.

"  Do you want to know what I think?" " Not really no" " Well too bad because I'm going to tell you anyway."

I rolled my eyes but looked up at him.
" I think that you're young and beautiful and any man would be the luckiest asshole ever to be with you. Even if it's just for one night."Richie stated before grabbing a cloth to wipe the counter with.

I thought about what he said for a moment, " so you think I should have a one night stand with this guy? Get him out of my system?"
" I never said that. I simply said that any man would be lucky to spend a night with you." Richie looked at me intensely. " Richie what-"

" Rosy! Rosy!" I turned in my stool to see Tally running towards me. I raised an eyebrow questionly as she bent over, hands on her knees regaining her breath.

" Tally darling, you cannot possibly be out of breath" Richie laughed. Tally looked up and sent a nasty glare in Richie's direction.
"Shut up buttface" She wheezed.
I laughed out loud at her lame comeback. " Buttface? Why the fuck would you say that? That was so lame that I'm embarrassed to call you my friend" She stood up straight and stared at me. I met her hard stare with my own smirking one.

"Shut the fuck up Rosy." I rolled my eyes. I haven't heard that before. I thought sarcastically. " So what did you need?" I asked. " I don't remember" She laughed awkwardly. I shook my head, downing the last of my drink.
"Want another?" Richie asked.
" No I-" Tally snapped her finger and Richie and I looked at her questionly. Tally was so weird sometimes that I often wondered why I had become friends with the pink haired woman.

" I remember now. There's a really gorgeous man looking for you out front." " Me? The place is not even open yet" " Well he's asking for you. Fiona stopped me on my way over so I went to check it out. You know now that I think about it he looks like the man from the club." I looked at her in astonishment.

"Y-yuri is here?" I gulped. My hands were shaking and it suddenly got super hot and uncomfortable. " Yuri? That kinda sounds like urine or some sort of drug." Richie laughed.
  " Oh hush Richard." Richie scowled when Tally called him by his full name, he hated it because it reminded him so much of his dead beat father. I was the only one who knew besides Ryan of course.

" So are you going to go talk to him?" She asked.
I sighed and stood up, " I guess I have to"  I left Richie and Tally to converse and went out front where he stood in a sleek black suit. His hair was spiked and he looked so edible. All the dancers were staring at him lustfully but he paid no mind to them.

That intrigued me because he seemed like the type who would take advantage of women, the type who has a new woman warming his bed everyday.

I slowly and cautiously approached him and when his dark eyes met mine I swear I forgot how to breathe.

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