Chapter 6

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Yuri smirked when he saw me.
" котенок, you look ravishing". I looked at my attire which consisted of spandex shorts and a sports bra before returning my gaze to the adonis before me. " what are you doing here?" I gulped nervously as he took a step towards me.

"I came to see you" He stated.
"Why does Rosy get all the hot ones?" Yuri and I turned to one of the girls.

Her name was Tula and she hated me, since the moment I first started working here. I still did not know why, I mean, you couldn't possible hate someone,as much as she hated me, because they spilt a drink on you.

" Can you guys give us a minute please?" I asked. They all left and I focused my attention back on Yuri, who stood suddenly a couple inches from me. 

" Yuri, you can't just show up at my work like this. I don't know you. You need to leave me alone."
" I can't do that" He frowned.
"Why not?" I asked sassily. I was growing impatient. I figured ignoring Yuri would make him leave me alone but if what I deduced about him was true he wouldn't let me go, unless I gave him what he wanted.

" I just can't kitten. At least not at this moment." he replied cryptically. I sighed. My anxiety was starting to flare up but so was my longing for him.

"If I give you what you want, will you leave me alone?" I propositioned. He looked at me stoically.
"Have dinner with me tonight"
"Excuse me?"
" You heard me" I stared at him confused,  I thought he'd wanted something else, something I've been fantasising about all night last night.

I cleared my thought and nodded in understanding.
" If I do, will you stop whatever it is you're doing"

His facial expression changed to one I knew all too well. He was going to threaten me now, I knew that look and it never use to phase me but right now I was on edge.

" It wasn't a question, nor is it a deal. It's an order. I'm not a man you want to upset Rosy O'brien.  Trust me, it will not end well for you." He said menacingly. I gulped and nodded. My heart was racing, I was afraid and I wasn't use to this feeling. It was exhilarating yet beyond frightening because I knew it was not an empty threat.

"I'll pick you up at your apartment at 7"
" I have wor-" before I could finish my sentence he had already turned and exited the establishment.

Rosy, you are in big trouble.

If I don't go, Yuri would surely hunt me down and either kill me or punish me for disobeying him.
Not that punishment seemed like a bad idea. Well the kind of punishment I'm thinking of...

I guess I could pack up my stuff and leave before he realises, but then I'd have to create a whole new identity for myself and I was just starting to enjoy being Rosy O'brien. I had friends here, something I haven't had since Russia.

I have no other choice... I have to go on this date tonight.

Turned out that Yuri convinced Ryan to give me the night off so I went straight home, Tally tagged along.
"So this guy, he's cute. A bit intimidating though. Are you sure you want to go Rosy?" Tally asked worried as she curled my hair.

"I'll be fine Tally"
"It's just, you met him like 2 days ago and now you're going on a date with him?"

"Don't worry Tally. Everything will be okay. You know I can handle it if something happens."

" I know but I have a right to be worried. You're my best friend. Alot like a sister, well one I've always wanted. Not that other bitch I'm really related too"

I burst out laughing.
" You're sister is like 13. She's going through her teen phase"

"Well it's annoying as fuck."
There was a moment of silence.

"I wonder if I was that bad at her age" She muttered thoughtfully.

I chuckled, "I'm sure you were waaaay worse."
" you're probably right."

"What were you like?" She asked.

" Not like any normal teen I'll tell you that. My aunt was actually worried about me when I didn't go through that phase. I was a very quiet child. I did as told, never questioned anything, never spoke out, never had mood swings. Growing up with a family like mine it was best to just keep quiet and act in different "

"I'm so sorry Rosy"

I smiled at Tally reassuringly. Tally didn't know my full back story. All she knew was that I ran away from home after I became an adult and that my childhood was not the best. I'm almost positive she thought I was beaten as a child or something along those lines.

It was easier to leave her in the dark about my past for her own protection. Tally's life seemed perfect. She came from a wealthy family, her parents got divorced and remarried other people, but she had a good life. I often wondered why she'd give all that up to work at the club. Everyone has their secrets I guess.

"There all done." She chirped.
"Thanks bitch" I grinned.
She gasped dramatically.
"Hoe" She crossed her arms and looked away childishly.
I laughed.

" you know I love you Tal"
"Well you better you bitch. I just spent 2 hours doing your hair!"

I shook my head in amusement at her dramatics before heading over to my closet.

I pulled out my blood red babydoll dress and my black leather jacket and changed into it.

"Can I pick your shoes, pretty please? Can I? Can I?"
"Sure, knock yourself out."

She handed me my bandage wrapped heels and I nodded approvingly. I paired the outfit with silver studs and lots of rings.
Sacha stared barking which made Tally and I looked at eachother.

"He's here!" She yelled.

I went over to the front door and took a deep breath. I guess it's time. I hope this dinner doesn't go south.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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