The Glade

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I woke up in a dark place, some kind of elevator, a box. I couldn't remember anything, not even my name. Who did this to me? I thought. My instincts told me not to panic, it would just make it worse. As the elevator like box rose into who knows what. I held my knees in my arms and closed my eyes trying to concentrate on any remaining memories. Wicked is good. I was startled at the thought. Y/N! Y/N! Instinct told me that it was my name. Then suddenly the elevator stopped. Don't panic. I told myself. The trapdoors opened and about 30-40 boys were staring down at me. With my knees cradled in my arms, I struggled to keep a calm expression on my face as all the boys spread gasps across the across the crowd."It's a girl!" Somebody finally yelled. "I got dibs!" Someone yelled." Shut your bloody holes!" The boy in front said. " Get her out of there Gally!" The same boy said. A blonde boy with bushy eyebrows jumped in the elevator box thing. I backed away but suddenly the boy grabbed my shoulder. I pulled my fist back and hit the boy right in the nose. I jumped back and grabbed a throwing knife on top of one of the crates. I had a distant memory of being really good at throwing it. I pointed it at the group of boys when suddenly my heart sunk. I saw a boy walk up with his hands up. He was Asian I could tell. He had perfect hair and a warm soft smile, his brown eyes twinkling. " I'm Minho." The boy said. Then he smiled. I put the knife in my belt and slowly sat down. I put my knees back into my arms. " Listen, everything will be ok, this is the glade, we all went through what you are going through. You'll remember your name in a week or two-" Minho said. "Y/N." I said. "What?" He said. " My name, it's Y/N." The boy seemed to be really shocked. He stood up and put out a hand. I grabbed it and pulled myself up. I got out of the elevator. "What is that thing?" I asked. Minho answered quickly. " It's the box." He said. Then he walked me over to a set of tables.

To be continued........ Thanks so much for reading part one if you liked this story please read Love in The Maze it's such an amazing story I think y'all might like it! 😊😊😊😊😊😊

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