When Blood Boils and Greivers Sting

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Minho looked at me in horror." There is no way I am letting go this easy." I said. I started getting up. Struggling to keep my balance I reached for my throwing knife and clutched it in my hand." Do you have any spare throwing knives?" I asked. "That's my girl,never give up. Here." He handed me 4 throwing knives. He pulled out a dagger and a spear and handed me the dagger. We heard a dramatizing scream. "Help me to the vines I have a plan." Minho helped me to the vines. I pulled out the dagger and started climbing up the vines. "What are you doing? You might fall because of your oxygen tank!" Minho yelled after me. "It'll be ok, just trust me." I got about 12 ft up and cut down the vines next to me. Then I climbed about 6 more ft up and did the same. I came down and, dragging my oxygen cart behind me, struggled to get to the other side. "Minho go get my wheel chair, incase we have to run." I said. I tied the vines to the vines on the other side. When I was done, I explained the plan to Minho. "We can hide in the vines, and if the greivers sense us, they'll get tangled and give us time to run." I said. "Good plan Y/N," We heard a greiver screech. We hid in the vines. "Ow!" I whispered. I saw blood dripping from my left leg. I ripped the sleeve of my shirt and wrapped it around the wound. "How did that happen?" Minho asked me. Before I could answer we heard the screech of a greiver. We came out of the vines and saw a greiver stuck in the vines." Run!" Minho cried. I through a knife at the greiver and hit him in the eye. He helped me into the wheel chair and started wheeling me away from the greiver. We turned the corner and another griever was there. It stepped on my oxygen tank and cracked it. Oxygen was spilling out and the tubes that went into my nose were barely receiving oxygen. I started gasping for air. The griever broke my wheelchair and Minho picked me up and started running. He put me in the vines. "Stay here, I'll loose the greiver and come back, I know my way through this section, trust me. I nodded, still gasping for air. Minho ran out and I threw a knife at the griever to buy Minho some time. I fell asleep soon after that." Y/N! Wake up we gotta go!" I woke up. I could barely breathe. Minho helped me up and helped me run from the griever. The greiver caught up and started pulling me away from Minho. I started kicked and stabbing at the griever."Run I got it it will be fine!" I yelled at Minho, but refused to leave. "Just go!" I kicked the griever. A pain shot through my arm and I let out a cry I turned to see a greiver stinger in the air. I threw a knife and starting dragging myself to the vines to hide while I had a chance. Minho showed up and grabbed me and dragged me to the vines."Y/N! You've been stung!" Minho said. "I- ca-n ba-rely - bre-athe." I stammered. Soon after I fell asleep.
"Medjacks! Hurry!" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes. I was back in the glade. Someone put my oxygen tubes back through my nose. "Thanks." I whispered, and I fell back asleep.

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