A second too late

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"Guys!" Jeff came in yelling. "What is it slinthead?" Minho said. " You gotta see this. He snapped toward me with a worried look on his face." Y/N, you might not like this." Jeff said. Minho looked at me, then at Jeff. He walked over and started wheeling me over to the room Jeff was leading us to. Minho told me he should look at the computer first. While he was doing that, I suddenly couldn't breathe. I started gasping for air but little air would fit. Minho turned around and realized what was happening. I had fallen out of the wheel chair and started coughing and gasping. Darkness started consuming my body and unconsciousness threatened my body but I kept on fighting it. But it didn't last long and I fell asleep."Y/N? Please stay with me, please." I opened my eyes and saw Minho with tears in his eyes. I had an oxygen tank beside me and tubes going through my nose. I sat up." Don't you have to go running?" I asked, surprised my voice was better. "I was too worried about you." Minho said. "Um, well looks like, you, um have, lung cancer....." Minho stammered." What!" I yelled. I looked at the computer next to me it said my results were proven for lung cancer. I sank down. "Cancer in the glade, eh?" I said." Well I have to go running, and you still have a while in that wheel chair, Jeff said he help you with that, be back in a bit Y/N". And Minho walked out. Jeff walked in with a cart with two oxygen tanks. "Well Y/N, this is your room for now on. The creators just sent up some medical supplies for you. Okie dokie. Get some rest, Y/N, if there is one thing I know about lung cancer is that it threatens the lives of those who have it and kills most of 'em." Jeff said. That last part made me shiver. Jeff unhooked my current oxygen tank and quickly hooked a new one." How often do you have to change that?" I asked. "Not often, you were out half of the day so that is why I needed to change it. Anyway, get some rest before lunch, Minho will be back in a couple of hours. "Jeff walked out of the room and I went to sleep."

Time skip

I woke up to Jeff walking in and tripping over an oxygen tank." Sorry to wake you, just lunchtime." Jeff said.  I got in my wheelchair and he wheeled me to lunch. He pulled me up to the table wheeling in my oxygen tank. He pulled up the cart with the oxygen tank beside the table. Frypan came up." Did you figure out what the illness was?" He asked. I looked at Jeff. "Um, should you tell him?" I asked Jeff. Jeff turned to Frypan." She um, has, lung cancer." Jeff stammered. "What!" Frypan screamed. "Lung cancer! How did it happen!?" Frypan exclaimed. "I don't- remember." I said. I sank in my wheel chair. "Oh.. Ya, sorry." Frypan said." It's fine." I said. "I see your voice is better, and I am glad for that." After that frypan walked off. I was talking with Chuck and Jeff had put I stone in front of my wheel to keep me from rolling off. Minho came back and came up to us and we all started talking. It was 6:58 and the doors close at 7:00. Suddenly,
The rock under my wheel chair flipped over and my wheel chair went rolling towards the corridors. "Minho! Help!" My wheel chair was speeding toward the closing doors to the maze. I turned my head and Minho was speeding after to me. I went through the corridors and flew out of my wheel chair. I hit the ground face first in the stone corridors and Minho came in after me,  the doors were about to close and Minho tried to help me up, I turned to see most of the gladers at the corridors watching and yelling. "Get her Minho! Hurry!" Shouts from gladers rung in the air, I turned and saw one final look at Chuck's worried face. I looked at Minho, he was still trying to drag me back into the glade, determination on his face. I turned toward him, and reached up and kissed his cheek. Then the doors closed, trapping is in the maze at night.

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