Love is Hard

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As Minho walked me to the tables he turned and smiled at me. "Hey, do you remember anything else?" He asked. " Ya, just one more thing, WICKED is good. Does that mean anything?" I said. Minho shrugged " Maybe." I couldn't help but stare at his green eyes. His brown spiky hair. The way his eyes shimmered in the daylight. We sat down and a boy walked up to my and banged his fists on the table. " I am not feeding her, she is clearly the reason we are all here so the shuck creators can do it their selves." Minho suddenly became protective over me, " This girl is completely innocent, their is no proof she was with the shuck creators just because she is a GIRL. " Minho seemed really mad, he just kept glaring at the boy. "Frypan, just please walk in the kitchen and get some food, she is probably hungry after her arrival." The boy Minho called Frypan walked over to the kitchen area. Minho started talking about the rules and the jobs of the place that they call the Glade. He told me about a celebration.It included a bonfire too. I didn't think I was in the mood for a party. "Get some rest for tonight, I'll pick you up from the Homestead in a minute or two." Minho said. "Which building is the Homestead?" I asked looking around the place they called the Glade. He pointed at a large wooden building in the east western part of one of the corners. I noticed that there are large corridors in the middle of the very very VERY large stone walls. I also noticed vines here and there, I looked around and the stone walls seemed to be a large cage to me. "Catch you later Y/N!" Minho said. I walked at the Homestead, settled in a bed, and slowly closed my eyes.

Thank you so much for reading section two I hope you like it!

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