Disseases and heartbreaks

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I woke up with a split headache and nausea. A pain shot through my leg and I couldn't see anything. I could barely hear, ringing was shot through my ears. "Y/N! Are you ok?!?" I opened my eyes but couldn't see at all, my vision finally cleared and I saw Minho looking down at me with a worried look. I was in a bed now, everything was hurting. And unconsciousness threatened to take over my body, but I fought it. I heard someone talking, and I knew it was Alby, "Don't worry, we had a gathering and your boyfriend here convinced us to trust you." Alby said. I let out a small cry, someone was holding my hand, and I knew it was Minho. I didn't know what was happening, but I heard someone say I was severely sick. " Min--ho..." I stammered. "I'm here, and that is not gonna change." He said. "Than-ks" I stammered again. Then I fell into the black abyss. I woke up with the same horrible feeling. Minho still there, I am guessing he never let go of my hand. I had no strength whatsoever. I let a moan.Minho rubbed my arm, I tried to speak but it came out in gibberish, but I managed to stammer out one sentence "Mih-no, Wh-a-t is hap-pen-in-g?" Minho looked like he didn't want to answer. A boy walked in, I think Minho said his name was Jeff. "You have a blood infection, it only happens when," Jeff looked down,"Y/N, something about your blood is different than everyone else's ,we tested every glader, and your testing result just gave us a set of letters and numbers we don't understand, your results were A.A 4724 positive, everyone else is B.A 3172 positive. So this MIGHT be threatening. But I guess we'll shucking see by tomorrow how serious it is, and Minho, we got a computer from the shuck creators, and you and Y/N both got a final result as immune, and everyone else including me all had flare, whatever that means." What Jeff said struck me, I let a loud gasp that hurt every part of my body. I had the memory of my dad having the flare and him being taken away from me, a memory of me and my dad popped in my mind, he was hugging me and told me to stay safe and he would always love me. I started sobbing, I don't remember him that much but I remember how deeply close we were, and how great he was. " Y/N! What's wrong!?" Minho asked worriedly, I wiped my tears and sank down. "J-u." I let out a whimper, my throat hurt way to much. He rubbed my knee." It's fine, let your throat heal." He said, his smiled seemed to put my worries away. "Get some rest." Minho said, Jeff left the room already and frypan walked in and sat some chicken noodle soup on the nightstand. I nodded as to say thank you. "Your welcome." Frypan said, then he smiled. He left and Minho turned back to me. "Goodnight" Minho said, "Mi-nho?" I stammered dryly. "Yes?" Minho said."St-a-y wi-th m-e- pl-ea-se?" I said trying not to sound like a dead person. Minho nodded and lay in the bed with me, his arm wrapped around me, I felt safe, as if there weren't killer monsters in a huge maze surrounding us.I felt asleep with a smile on my face.

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