[Chapter 1]

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Brandon looked down at the paper scribbled with instructions. He'd be starting a new job today, and he was nervous. His anxiety made his hands shaky but he calmed himself down. He looked up at the hotel and took a deep breath. This was it. His new life. He'd be able to get a house with his girlfriend Kara, and they could have some kids later on.

Brandon smiled nervously and opened the door, feeling a cool wave of Air conditioner on his skin. He shivered, but quickly got used to it. In the lobby he noticed a bunch of people with suitcases getting ready to check in. He also noticed a few other employees. He went up to the front desk and up to check in for work, and saw an employee with sandy blond hair and green eyes greet him. He didn't wear a uniform, only a name tag, like every other employee. The tag read 'Gavin'.

"Hello! You must be a new employee." Gavin said cheerfully, judging from his accent Brandon concluded he was British.

"Y-Yeah! My name is Brandon, pleasure to meet you." Brandon replied. The two shook hands and Gavin handed Brandon a name tag with his name on it. Brandon took it, his hands extremely shaky. Gavin smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm new too. I think this a brand new hotel, I've never seen it before. I'm also sure every other employee is new as well." Gavin stated. This made Brandon feel a bit better.

"Oh thankfully I'm not the only one." He smiled, feeling relieved. Gavin nodded.

"I'll lead you to your room." Gavin said, and was about to lead him but was interrupted by another employee. He had dark ginger hair, and dark eyes. He also had freckles all over his face, and looked like he was wearing a bear skin on his back, which made Brandon nervous.

"Gavin, I'll take him. You stay here and help everyone else instead of being useless." Gavin looked hurt at his statement, but nodded and went behind the desk. The stranger led Brandon to the elevator and brought him inside. Brandon looked at the name tag. It read 'Mogar'.

"Mogar?" Brandon asked curiously. Mogar looked down at his name tag and sighed.

"Just call me Michael..." He mumbled. Brandon nodded and looked at his outfit.

"Hey how come no one's wearing uniforms?" He asked.

Michael growled "Stop asking questions." Brandon gulped and looked down. Finally, after a few moments of silence, the elevator opened on level 3. Michael led Brandon to his room which was the last one on the left. The number read 304.

"Dinner will be served at 8." Michael stated. "Work begins tomorrow." Brandon nodded.

"Thank you." He said. Michael said nothing and left. Brandon went in his room and went over to the window, sliding the curtains open. Beneath him lay a pool and stone path leading to a large greenhouse. He placed his suitcase on the ground and decided to take a shower before dinner.


Brandon made his way to the dining hall and saw a few people doing the same. When he arrived, he grabbed a plate and helped himself to some pasta. He looked around for a table and saw that Gavin was sitting alone. He made his way over and sat himself across Gavin. Michael was sitting closely next to Gavin, and was eating a burger. Brandon smiled at them both and began eating.

As they ate, two other people came and sat next to Brandon. He looked at their name-tags and read 'Seto' and 'Ryan'. Seto had light brown hair and calm, purple eyes. He wore a purple hoodie and a silver headband, he seemed friendly enough, but shy. Ryan on the other hand had a crazy look in his eyes that kind of scared Brandon, but he seemed smart. He had messy blonde hair and ice blue eyes. He nodded at Brandon and smiled.

"Hello, you must be working here, I'm Ryan."

Brandon smiled back, a little nervous. "The name's Brandon, and yeah I work by the pool." Ryan nodded.

"I'm a guest here, but I look forward to spending time here. I hope we can speak again."

"Yeah I look forward to it as well." He replied and continued eating.


Later that night, Brandon changed into a set of pajamas and went to bed. He curled up underneath the silk sheets and sighed happily. He'd be able to earn enough money for a house soon enough.


The next morning Brandon got up and got ready for the day. It'd be his first official day of work! Barely able to contain his excitement, he brushed his teeth quickly and finished getting dressed. As soon as he was finished, he made his way downstairs to the dining hall for breakfast.

Only a few people were there. He recognized Michael and Seto, but also noticed three others. One had sunglasses that covered his eyes and a ponytail, his name-tag read 'Adam!'. The other one was a girl with purple dyed hair and grey eyes. Her name-tag read 'Tiffany'. The last guy had sharp teeth, glasses and scruffy brown hair. On his lab-coat, his name-tag read Trott.

Brandon helped himself to some cereal and sat down alone. One by one people filed in to get breakfast. Soon there were around 15 people in the hall. As Brandon stood up to put away his plate, a shriek pierced the air. Brandon jumped and dropped his plate. Everyone ran towards the scream automatically, fear filled Brandon's stomach as he ran.

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