[Chapter 3]

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The next day while Brandon was eating breakfast, he noticed Ryan sit near him. Curious, he spoke up.

"Say Ryan?" He asked. Ryan looked at Brandon.


"How was Ty killed? If you don't mind me asking."

"After I looked at the body, I noticed several stab wounds and hand prints on his neck. I assume Michael strangled him before finishing him off."

"But why would Michael of all people need to strangle somebody who's almost two times smaller than he is?"

"Gee I don't know, why don't you go ask him yourself." Ryan rolled his eyes and began eating. Brandon sighed and ate as well. Seto and Ant sat beside Brandon, making him feel less uncomfortable around Ryan, which he was thankful for. Everyone was in a quiet mood, but who could blame them? After all, two people had died already, and it had only been two days since they'd been there.

Perhaps the game would end quickly? But... That would result in only one survivor, and by the looks of it, Ryan wanted that position badly. Brandon glanced over at Ryan who was eating, and gulped nervously. He already killed Michael without hesitation.... Who's to say he won't do it again. Brandon sighed and got up, throwing away his extra food.

He couldn't believe he was actually apart of this game... He came here to start a new life with his girlfriend. Unfortunately, that would be delayed until he was either dead or the only one left. As Brandon was about to leave, he noticed through the window that Gavin sitting out alone by the pool. Feeling sorry for him, Brandon went outside to Gavin.

"Hey..." He said and sat beside his friend, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Still upset about Michael?" Gavin nodded and sniffed.

"He... He's in a better place now..." Brandon sighed.

"N-No! He's not! It's all my fault!" Gavin sobbed and wiped his eyes.

"How could it possibly be your fault?" He asked. Gavin stayed quiet for a few moments but calmed down.

"Michael didn't kill Ty... I did." Gavin whispered. Brandon looked around, his eyes wide in fear.

"Gavin why would you do that?!"

"I'm the mastermind... I was assigned to be... I didn't want to Brandon! I didn't want to kill!" He cried. "I want Michael to be here with me! He knew I was the mastermind but he protected me!" His voice began slowly rising, but Brandon shushed him.

"I'm sorry Gavin, I'm so sorry you had to do this... You don't deserve any of this." Gavin hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much..." He mumbled. Brandon hugged back and sighed.

"I won't tell anyone alright?" Gavin nodded and pulled away. "Now, let's get you something to eat alright?"


Later in the day, Ryan had gathered the remaining survivors for a meeting in the library. Once everyone was there, the meeting began.

"Alright... I've gathered you all here today for a very important discussion. As leader, I prepose we now have assigned jobs and groups for everyone. Groups of three will stick together no matter what. If anyone is seen apart from their group, they will automatically be killed." Ryan smiled. "I of course will assign the groups... Jerome, and Mitch. You will be part of my group. I need you two as body guards during the day in case anyone tries anything. The two nodded and went to Ryan.

"Brandon, Jordan and Ant are the next group." Brandon glanced over at Gavin. Ryan was splitting them up...

"Gavin, Tom and Ian." Ryan stated. Gavin went up to his group, shaking immensely. "Tiffany, Adam, and Cry." They gathered together. How was Ryan assigning groups? He wondered. Ryan continued until all the groups were assigned.

There was Zek, Bodil and Seto as one group, Smiffy, Trott, Ross as one group, and finally Ray, Ethan and Sub as the last group.

"Good. Now that we've gotten or groups, everyone carry on with their day." Ryan grinned. Brandon looked around. There was no way he would go with his group, same with everyone else.


So it turns out, everyone was too scared not to be in groups, so Brandon was unfortunately stuck with Jordan and Ant. He had no problem with them, but they always flirted with each other and it was kind of annoying when Brandon was trying to do something. The three made their way to the dining hall for dinner, but while they were walking they felt the ground shake beneath their feet.

"An earthquake? Here?" Ant stated.

Brandon knew earthquakes, he'd been around them for most of his life, and this was no earthquake. He led his group down the hall to what seemed to be the source of the shaking, and found that another room had appeared.

"What?! This room wasn't here before was it?" Jordan asked. Brandon shook his head.

"The game-makers must've added it just now."

"Yeah they do it every year." Ant said. "Each day opens a new room to get people to kill quicker." This made Brandon nervous.

"Well let's go check it out! Maybe there's something to help us?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, like weapons." Brandon said sarcastically.

"Still. Being armed is better than not." He said and led Brandon and Ant to the new room. Once they arrived, they found it was a hospital.

"A hospital? What kind of hotel is this?" Brandon asked.

"It's not. That's the point." Ant stated and went inside the room. The group found that the cabinets were stocked with various types of medicines and drugs, some to aid wounds, and some that could easily kill someone.

"This place is filled with all kinds of stuff!" Ant seemed in shock. "Some of these aren't even known medicines." He picked up a small bottle with a bright blue substance inside.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." Jordan said, looking over at Ant. He quickly put it back in the cabinets but continued looking.

"Do you think we should tell Ryan about this?" Brandon asked.

"Well I mean, he'd probably find it without us telling, but it'd probably be best for us to." Ant replied. Brandon nodded. The trio left the hospital and went to get Ryan.

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