Sam Imagine: Tattooed Heart

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Song: Tattooed Heart By: Ariana Grande

"You don't need a lot of money, you don't have to play no games."

"Y/N I'm not good enough for you, I don't understand how love works really, and how am I suppose to buy you nice things—"

"Sam, calm down, I don't need all that stuff. Why would you think I need that?" You ask.

"Because.." He sighed.

"I'm perfectly happy at how things are. I wouldn't want anything more than you, okay?" You grinned as his tensed body became relaxed.

"All I need, is all your loving. To get the blood rushing through my veins."

  The wendigo from your last hunt got Sam pretty good. He ended up going to the hospital, and recently just got out. The healing process was so slow, but when you would give him a kiss, or even the simplest things, by just being in there with him, talking to him, and cuddling with him, it felt as if he was looking better.

"How do you feel?" You ask.

"A lot better, now." He grinned.

"I wanna say, we're going steady. Like its 1954."

You were a fan of the 50's. Everything about it made you happy. You loved how steady relationships were back then, and not as much drama there is now. So when Gabriel zapped you, Sam, and Dean into the 50's, you can imagine your excitement.

You wore the fun swimsuits to the beach, you loved the restaurants, the music, the clothes, you even loved the cars; but we all know who was more interested in the cars. Sam loved seeing your happiness that day. You were just like a little kid at a candy store. But it was also fun for all of you, like a one day vacation away from hunting. And you all enjoyed every minute of it. Gabriel tagged along for a while, but eventually left. You and Sam were in your own world, while Dean was in his own world with the cars. So Gabriel made an excuse, and left by boredom.

"It doesn't have to be forever. Just as long as I'm the name on your tattooed heart."

When it came to loving Sam forever, it was your plan. You didn't plan on loving anyone else. But if you did, you and Sam would always have a special relationship. That was Sam's main fear though, that you would only become a memory to him, and vise versa. But you weren't scared. You decided to live in the moment. Both of you decided to live in the moment, because with a job like yours, you could never know which day is your last.

"You don't need to worry about making me crazy, cause we're way past that."

"We're crazy, Sam." You chuckled.

"No were not." He frowned and took a bite out of his burger.

"We hunt all kinds of demons, spirits, ghosts—"

"Aren't demons spirits?" Dean questioned.

"No, two totally different things." Sam mumbled.

"See! We're already past crazy." You giggled.

"So just call me, if you want me, cause you got me. And I'll show you how much I wanna be on your tattooed heart."

"Hey babe," You mumbled as you closed the book you were reading.

"Hey, we're on our way home." Sam sighed. You stayed at the motel during this hunt, the demon you guys were hunting was specifically after women your age for some reason. So they made you stay behind.

"Okay, see you soon I guess." You bit your lip, hiding the smile from being too big.

You waited in the bedroom you shared with Sam, still reading. When you heard a door slam, you knew they were back. You smiled to yourself, but acted casual as the bedroom door opened.

"Hey babe," He yawned as he tossed his stuff to the side of the room and crawled in bed next to you. "What are you reading?" He kissed your temple and snaked his arm around your hips pulling you closer to him.

"Um.. I don't know, it's one of yours though." You explained as you closed the book and tried to set it on the nearby desk, but you gave up and just tossed it on the floor before Sam connected his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"At least have some decency to close the door!" Dean yelled as he poked his head in and closed the door.

"Wrap me in your jacket, and lay me in your bed."

You were on your way to Bobby's, and it was a long drive. Sadly, a cold was being past around in the last town you guys were at, and you caught it. Dean needed to pee, and you could use some fresh air. Dean growled and hissed at you and Sam before you swore on everything, that you weren't going to look.

The breeze felt nice, but you were freezing. Sam noticed and threw a hoodie at you.

"What was that for?" You mumbled and picked up the hoodie.

"You're shivering, Y/N, put it on." He protested and you put it on. "All better?"

"Yeah." You smiled pecked him on the lip. Dean finally finished up, which meant you had to get back on the road.

A couple hours past, and you were exhausted. Sam said you lay down, but you fought sleep as hard as you could. You wanted to see Bobby, but it obviously had to wait until tomorrow since you lost the battle against your own slumber.

Sam ended up carrying you inside, up the stairs, and then he plopped you onto the bed. He examined your peaceful body, and thought to himself how lucky he was.

"And kiss me underneath the moonlight. Darling, let me trace the lines of your tattooed heart."

Finally, you overcame your old. I guess it's safe to say you've been two weeks clean. Sam has been actin nervous and jumpy all day. The last thing he told you was to meet him in the impala. When you did, he drove you to this nearby garden.

It was beautiful, there were even cute little animals bouncing around in it. Then the thought came to mind.

Was he fixing to-

"Y/N, I love you so much," He smiled as he got down on one knee.

"Oh my god, Sam—"

"And I couldn't picture being with anyone else but you. You make me smile, laugh, and you have helped me through some rough times." He explained and started to pull out a black box from his pocket. You gasped and you were trying not to cry tears of joy.

"Will you marry me?" He finished and opened the box.

"Yes, a million times yes!" You gasped and giggled like an idiot as he slipped the ring on your finger. Once the ring was on your finger you didn't waste any time to hug and kiss him.

"I love you." You smiled breathlessly.

"I love you too." He smiled back.

~ the end ~

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