Gabriel Imagine: Pierre

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Song: Pierre By: Ryn Weaver

"I danced in the desert in the pouring ran, drink with the devil and forgot my name."

You were the little sister out of the Winchester bunch, and of course, a different mother... Anyways, being protective was always a job of the eldest brothers. The first time you were introduced to angels and demons, it's like you automatically fit in.

There was a hunt in the desert, that you, Dean, and Sam were on. Gabriel seemed to tag along and you didn't mind, but your brothers did. The impala had a flat tire, but that didn't stop you from blaring the music and danced around in the road.

"What are you doing?" Dean hissed.

"Dancing!" You smiled and danced along to the radio.

"Gabriel, do something to make her stop," Dean rolled his eyes.

"Got it." He smirked, and he made it rain.

"It's raining!" You smiled even wider as you ran over to Gabriel and grabbed his hand. He couldn't even protest by the time you both were in the middle of the road.

Dean was too upset about the flat tire to care, but Sam saw the look in Gabriel's eyes when you were dancing with him. And for once, it didn't make him uncomfortable.

That night, you and your brothers got in a fight. Gabriel took their side, so you ran off to some bar. Some demons kidnapped you, and of course, out of all circumstances, Lucifer was one of them.

Surprisingly you got along with him. He was planning on hurting you to get something out of Gabriel, but he debated on it.

"I should punish you.." He crossed his arms and leaned against the walked.

"Then slap me or something. Get it over with, because I could really use a drink." You hummed before he turned you around to slap you. "Holy—"

"There, there. Now we can drink."

"Woke with somebody when the morning came. No one there to shame me for my youth, because I wouldn't be with you."

You ran away. You decided to rebel from your controlling brothers, and when Gabriel offered that you could stay with him, you accepted it. He was your best friend why not? You've always been the crazy Winchester anyways.

But one night you became more than friends. And you didn't think it was weird, neither did he.

Glad that your brothers weren't around to make fun of you and judge you. The voice of Dean making fun of you echoed through your mind.

"What's this?" You giggled.

"A new car." He smirked.

"Nice," You smile and get in the passenger side. While he was driving his hand rested on your thigh.

Total bliss, and you didn't want it to stop.

"And then I found me a lover who could play the bass. He's kinda quiet, but his body ain't."

"Dean can kinda play the guitar.." You mumbled and examined a guitar as you and Gabriel walked around the store full of instruments.

"Yeah, kinda." Gabriel chuckled.

"Hey! Be nice." You punched his shoulder playfully and skipped over to another guitar.

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