Castiel Imagine: Revival

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Song: Revival By: Selena Gomez

"I dive into the future, but I'm blinded by the sun."

You went with Sam and Dean, to figure out who brought Dean back. Pamela was soon blinded, while you squeezed your eyes shut.

In only you knew, your literal soon to be world and heart, could have blinded her.

"I'm reborn in every moment. So, who knows what I'll become."

It wasn't uncommon for you, Sam, and Dean to die multiple times, then come back with some help of others.

What if that made you stronger? Or weaker? It was up to you, and the answer was obvious if you wanted to keep on going.

You had to, for him.

"I feel like I've awakened lately, the chains around me are finally breaking."

The Winchesters have become very overprotective of you since you have... 'slipped' out of their 'watch' every once a while. But you could handle yourself.

That also meant, they weren't to keen on this "thing" going on between you and Castiel. Which confused Castiel, causing him to ask Dean for advice.

"Dean? I might like Y/N." Castiel stated.

"Well, I'm glad you two get along, Cas." Dean chuckled and took a bite out of his burger.

"I am feeling human feelings for Y/N. I do not know how to explain it, but I know I have never felt this around anybody." Castiel frowned, having trouble describing the love he felt for you.

"You dig 'er. She digs you, it's obvious." Dean stated as he wiped his mouth with the nearest napkin.

"I'm not sure I understand." Castiel stared at Dean for anymore hints to what he was getting at.

"You're in love with her, dude." Dean scoffed.

"How do I tell her?" Castiel frowned once more.

"Listen, she feels the same. I know she feels the same. Just explain your feelings, and say that you're in love with her." Dean shrugged.

"Okay. Thank you." Castiel walked away from Dean and towards your room.

There it was. Dean trusted you, and would convince Sam, too.

"I've been under self-restoration. I'm becoming my own salvation, showing up, no more hiding."

Castiel helped you become who you are, made you feel good about yourself.

He made you feel so, happy. At all times. His confusion on things made you eager to introduce them. He also taught you to be a better hunter. You we're strong physically, and mentally.

Which lead you to fight better, and be quicker to kick and punch anything in your way, impressing the Winchesters. Then when he came to a demons harsh words, you could take it. They could make you feel bad, but it wouldn't last. The hurt would turn into anger, becoming an advantage.

Since you we're the girlfriend of the one and only angel, Castiel, also meant that you we're constantly in danger. You we're being hunted all the time. So instead of running away from it, you deal with it. (Thanks to Cas.) You kill them before they kill you.

It became as simple as that, with the help of the Winchesters and Castiel himself.

"The light inside me is bursting, shining. It's my time to butterfly."

  The more your relationship developed with Castiel, you became a bigger target. Couldn't he just stay out of trouble? Just once?

I guess not.

So you were always on the road with Sam and Dean; Castiel's orders.

"What I've learned is so vital. More than just survival. This is my revival."

This was becoming who you were. You were valuable is so many good and bad ways. Soon, every supernatural group or creature knew about Castiel's little Y/N.

Little did they know... You we're stronger than they thought. Anything that came after you, you were ready for.

"This won't take too long, you see. I'm just tryna get to me."

You made their deaths quick. Everything that came after you died. Which became a challenge to others.

It was stressful, as you were getting sick and tired of constantly defending yourself. So Sam and Dean made you stay in the bunker for awhile.

It gave you time to study what you need to know about certain creatures, and new moves to improve your fighting skills.

By the time you we're ready to lead the bunker, you could beat Dean and Sam in a fight, with both of them coming at you at the same time.

"What shattered through me like a rifle, was a revival."

There was only one thing that could possibly stop you.

The colt. Shooting you with any regular gun is dumb, to you. It wouldn't kill you since Castiel would heal you. And when Castiel finds out they were trying to kill you, he kills them.


But there wasn't anymore, you knew that. Though, you let the demon talk his bullshit and prayed for Castiel.

You were gonna let the demon shoot you and Castiel come to heal you, giving them hell after he's done.

"I have the colt." The demon scoffed. Castiel, please come down here.

You just widened your eyes as she shot you. You smirked evilly, seeing the fear in the demons eyes realizing that you know she was lying.

"Castiel? Babe?" You called, trying to keep a straight face because it did hurt like a bitch.

Castiel healed you and slowly turned towards the demon.

"Please, please no—" It was too late, Castiel killed her and turned around to kiss you.

  "Are you okay?" Castiel sighed.

"Yeah, always am." You sighed. "Do you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Sure." Castiel smiled and grabbed your hand.


this one is short bc this song repeats itself SO MUCHHHHH sorry :/ I also wrote this on my car ride (: and YES HERE IS YOUR DOUBLE UPDATE YO and once again, I hope you guys like it even though it is the shortest imagine I've done!! ++++ I didn't read through it. so if there are any grammar mistakes that are bugging you let me know lol.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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