Crowley Imagine: Dangerous Woman

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Song: Dangerous Woman By: Ariana Grande

"Don't need permission, made my decision to test my limits."

You were friends with the Winchester, you guessed? You got stuff done, did your job, and didn't mind if it started trouble for you. Sadly, you've saved the Winchesters from situations they claimed they could handle.

And Crowley admired that.

"Cause it's my business; God as my witness. Start what I finished."

"Y/N what are you up too?" Crowley growled.

"You'll find out soon, won't you?" You smirked and walked away.

"Y/N! This is not over!" He hissed. "You're going to have to finish what you started."

"Oh please. It's what I plan to do." You winked.

Even though Crowley seemed angry, he was slightly attracted to you at the moment.

"Don't need to hold up, taking control of this kind of moment."

You found out Crowley liked you. And you couldn't help but feel the same.

"Hello, dear." He said as he popped up in your motel room, ready to cause trouble as he walked towards you. What he wasn't expecting, was for you to crash your lips onto his.

"I'm locked and loaded, completely focused. My mind is open."

You loved learning new things, so when Crowley taught you new tactics to fight with. He was your part time coach, and part time lover.

Everyone knew about you two. Whenever you came across Castiel, he didn't agree with it. But it's not like you got along with him anyways.

Outsmarting the Winchesters was a hobby. Especially when they found out you and Crowley were a thing. Dean was more of an ass, while Sam didn't try to talk to you. Which was fine by you.

You were now known as the queen of hell. What else could you even want now?

"All that you got, skin to skin. Oh my god, don't ya stop boy."

Your relationship when it came to affection was perfect. He let you know your were his, and the other way around.

The both of you were like Bonnie & Clyde.

"Something about you makes me feel likes a dangerous woman. Makes me wanna do things I shouldn't."

"Just do it, Y/N." Crowley whispered in your ear. You've only killed bad things, or creatures who were after you.

The demon betrayed Crowley, and he was making you kill it. It made sense to you though. If someone crossed Crowley, you wouldn't mind killing it. And of course, vise versa.

And you did. Without any emotion.

He was changing you, and you liked it.

"Nothing to prove, and I'm bulletproof and know what I'm doing."

"You killed a demon for no damn reason. You're changing." Sam gave you a disgusted look. Crowley wanted something from the brothers. Meanwhile, Sam was trying to guilt trip you.

You tied them up, and decided to duck tape Dean's mouth since he always had something to say.

"Is that all you got? That demon was an ass. A waste of time." You smirked as you sat on your phone. "And you can't do anything to make me regret what I've done. I live my life to the fullest. And I can die, a badass."

"You'll die a killer." Dean hissed. It seemed like he got the duck tape off.

"I know what I'm doing." You winked as you saw Crowley walk into the room.

"The way we're movin, like introducing us to a new thing."

Let's just say, you an Crowley's relationship escalated. He proposed to you, and you said yes.

Having a wedding was new to Crowley, since it was a Christian ceremony. You two decided on making it to your standards.

"I wanna savor, save it for later. The taste of flavor, cause I'm taker. Cause, I'm a giver. It's only nature, I live for danger."

You loved drama. Especially when it revolved around you. Also, causing it was fun.

When it came to sparring people's lives, you did it only sometimes. It depends on who, and what it is.

You were a taker.

And at times, you were a giver.

That's what made you so unpredictable, and Crowley always told you he found that sexy.

"All girls wanna be like that."

The other women hunters envied you. They envied your badass side, and how you balance evil with good. Especially the girls who also liked Crowley envied you.

You played both parts of the good girl and the bad girl.

"Bad girls underneath, like that."

The girls who betrayed you, or planned to get rid of you, ended up six feet underground.

"You know how I'm feeling inside."

The only person who knew you inside and out, and who really understood you, would forever always be,


~ the end ~

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