Aaiden and I sat in the car in silence. It wasn’t awkward it was just.. thoughtful? If thats what you could call it. I stared at the houses and tree’s that swished by as we passed. I also saw children laughing and playing wildly just enjoying their lives. “They are so lucky that they actually have the opportunity to be a child, to act like one,” I thought to myself. I never had a happy childhood, I always had to do without things. Being an orphan was hard for me. I never knew my real parents or siblings if I had any, I was always by myself. ”You okay?” Aaiden asked me, interrupting my thoughts. I just nodded my head putting on a small smile. I didn’t feel like talking. Not right now anyways.
After a few minutes we pulled up outside a small white house. It was Aaiden, Ava and I’s house. We bought it last year and split the bills evenly amongst ourselves. I quickly opened the front door and took off my shoes (Ava has this thing about wearing shoes in the house, stupid right?) . I flopped onto the couch and turned on the t.v , instantly putting on Cartoon Network. I smiled because The Regular Show was on. “Hey you hungry Ana?” Aaiden asked from in the kitchen. I couldn’t help but smile, he was so thoughtful. “Urm you know I don’t eat that much, so no thanks Aaid!” I shouted over the noise from the television. I returned to my show only to be startled by a worried face looking down upon me from over the couch. I knew exactly what he was about to do. “Ana, you know that you have to eat...” Aaiden started but I quickly cut him off. “I’m fine really, just not that hungry Aaid, don’t worry bout it,” I dismissed him . He sighed and reluctantly went to the kitchen.
I got up from the couch after a couple of episodes and skipped towards the kitchen. There I saw Aaiden preparing dinner for him and Ava. I know what you’re thinking. “Why isn’t he preparing food for you?” Well darlings to tell you the sad and painful truth, I’m anorexic but let’s not get into that topic now.
I sat on a stool that was awkwardly placed in the kitchen and began throwing grapes at Aaiden. He chuckled and tackled me to the floor. “Better not try that again babe,” he growled with a smirk. I blushed not only because he was ontop of me, but because his sexy lips were inches away from mine. Our eyes locked and slowly he moved his face towards mine. My breath hitched and my heart raced , his lips were mere inches from mine when we heard someone clear their throat. We pushed away from each other and looked up to see a smirking Ava.
“Well, it’s a good thing I came back before I saw yall clawing at each others bodies,” she smiled wickedly. Aaiden and I awkwardly got up from the floor and embraced Ava. “We missed you,” we both cried in fake 5 yr old voices. She just laughed and brushed it off. I smiled at Ava for a long while before I remembered what took place today.
“Avs, guess who payed me a little visit today,” I laughed nervously. She looked at me with curiosity etched into her beautiful face. She was of spanish descent, had the perfect hourglass shape and the butt and breast that would make any guy grovel at her feet. She didn’t flaunt it , but she knew she was pretty. Sometimes I got jealous actually even though she was always telling me how pretty I was. I let my thoughts fade away remembering that I was telling her about what happened. “Don’t freak okay?” I told her, casting Aaiden a wary glance.I inhaled deeply and began relating to her the days events.
“Holy shit! You saw Gary? Why didn’t you call me,” she screamed, pacing the room. Gently Aaiden took her by the arm and lead her into the living room , motioning for her to sit . When she was seated and calm we both sat on either side of her. “Listen Avs, they are going to be stalking us and trying to cause us danger. If they get their hands on us, there is no chance we would ever see sunlight again. We need to stay close to each other at all times. Do you understand?” she sighed inwardly , nodding her head slowly.
“So, what is the plan?” Aaiden asked seriously. I racked my hand through my hair, searching for a plan. “Well, we can’t stay here because they will eventually find us, so we might have to go on vacation for a little while,” I concluded. That was our only option, if we wanted to survive we had to hide for a while. “Where will we go tho?” Avs sniffled, clearly trying to hold back tears. She looked fierce on the outside, but inside she was just like any other girl, scared and emotional. I looked towards Aaiden , noticing that he was smiling goofily.
“You okay or do you always look like the joker trying to plan his next kill?” I joked.
“Ha ha very funny, what yall say about going to California, my brother owns this beach resort place and we could crash there for a few days. He won’t charge us a cent!” Aaid exclaimed with a glimmer in his eyes. Ava suddenly began to smile. “If it’s okay with your brother then it’s okay with us,” I smiled looking at how happy Avs was all of a sudden. “Yeah! What could be better than hot guys with surf boards?” Ava smiled mischievously. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her. “Well we better get packing, go call your brother and make the arrangements,” I yawned , “I need a nap.” I kissed Avs on the cheek and slapped Aaiden in his face before jogging up the stairs.
I changed into black slacks and a blue “Minne Mouse” t-shirt before jumping into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep, slowly drifting into dreamland.
Hey Guys!! Hope yall liked this chappie.. It’s just a filler so don’t hate if it was boring. I promise that I will have a longer chapter for yall soon :* :P Love you my sugabums :) Don’t forget to Vomment and fan ;) BYE!!
~Myka (Author)

Karma's A Bitch
Novela JuvenilMy name is Analicia Brookes And I am wanted by David Porillo, New York's Biggest Drug Lord.