Sleep Medicine

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"... No." Seto stares at Z, almost menacing, his face emotionless.

Z stared back with cold blue eye. "We need to talk, Sorcerer." He said, again, more slower this time.

"Get out." Seto barked out. "I don't want to talk." He headed over to Z, shoving him outside before slamming the door on him.

If Z were an emotional guy-he would be brawling his eyes right now. But it was a just stinging feeling to his heart. "I know what you did.." He whispered quietly, not sure if he could hear him or not. Z had been thinking and observing-coming to a point where someone aroused the Sins inside the Virtues. And Seto was the prime suspect.

Z didn't know if he should tell Sky or not. He stood there, staring at Seto's door, deep in thought. If he did-Seto would be either prisoned or gotten kicked out. But knowing Sky, he would probably tell Z to don't tell anyone else and keep his guard up.

Z sighed, closing his eye. Maybe it was time for a tricky yet brilliant plan..


He kept his glasses on, randomly bursting into laughter for no apparent reason.

Jason had past Ian's room when he hears series of hysterical laughter. He turn slowly, glancing at the door.

"Ian?" He called out.

"Yes?" Came a voice. Jason could tell he's smiling by his tone.

"Are you.. Doing anything?"

Ian opens the door, smiling widely. "Maaaybe."

Jason blinked back in suprise. "Really?" He couldn't believe it.

"You should totally try this drink!" Ian grab Jason by his wrist, pulling him inside of his room.

By the looks of it, his bed is messed up along with a few papers on the floor... How.. Unlikely.. Jason thought.

Ian held a bottle that has no label on it. "Here.. It's very very good!" He gave it to Jason who hesitantly took it.

Already, he can hear Envy shouting in his head. 'Don't do it, Kindness!' Envy's voice was panicked. 'Deny it!'

Jason shook his head. "Ian.. I don't thi-"

"Come on Jason..." Ian whined loudly. "Just for me?"

Jason open his mouth again but stopped looking at Ian who was waiting. Ian was his friend. He would never hurt him..

'Kindness..' Envy's voice grew louder.

"Just a little sip." Jason said to Ian, twisting the cap open. Jason look back at Ian, uncomfortably. "Would you... Turn around for a minute?"

Ian smiled widely before turning around. Jason carefully pull his beloved space helmet up, giving enough space for him to small and taste.

It smelled rather.. Odd. 'Virtue, trust me, don't..' It was too late, Jason already taken a sip of it. He made a face as the liquid touches his tongue. It tastes bitter.

"Ian.. Wha.." Jason blinked slowly, feeling sleepy. "was..."

'Virtue... Virtue..' Envy called out. 'Keep it together!'

Jason can see Ian smiling when he patted the bed. "Lay down, it'll make it better. Jason did. As soon as his body hits the bed sheets, he find it hard to keep his eyes open.

Soon, he had dozed off after seeing Ian's wide smile.

'Sleep.. Medicine..' Envy mutters. 'He's..'

"Envy..? Yoo hoo?" Ian called out. "If you're out here, I'm your ally."

Envy gave a long sigh, glancing at Ian who have on a wide smile. "Alright... Sloth.."

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