18: Prisoners of Love

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Fionna POV

I couldn't believe my eyes...it was Ashley.

"What are you gonna do with me?" I asked.

"Oh. I don't know yet. But it will be painful." she said with an evil smile. Before I knew it i got knocked out and everything went black. When I woke up again I was in a cell.

"Thank goodness. Your awake!" I stood up and saw Cake in front of me.

"Cake!!!" I yelled. "You're ok!" I gave her a hug and she retuned it.

"I found her!" I heard another voice.

"Marshall. What happened?"

"Well, you were sleeping so I floated around to look for anything that could help us find them. After a while something started following me and then hit me on my head. When I woke up I landed here."

"Where are Flame Prince and Gumball?"

"I'm here, too. Just on the other side of the wall."

"Where is FP?"

"We don't know." Marshall answered.

"How are we gonna get out here?" Cake asked.

"I don't know but I'm tired so I'm gonna sleep and we will find a way."

I walked over to Marshall and we made our selves as comfortable as you can be on a prison floor and soon fell asleep.


I slowly woke up. Everyone else already got up. I stood up and shook the dust off of my clothes. Then suddenly we heard footsteps.

"It's probably Ashley." I whispered to Cake. But it wasn't. It was...FP.

"FP? What are you doing here?" Cake asked.

"Get us out of here." Gumball demanded.


"What why?" I asked angrily.

"You should remember, Fionna. Remember in the woods?"


We went back to the tree without saying a word. Cake has already picked some flowers. I took my sword out and cut the bigger pieces so it would be easier to make the shape of the treehouse. Suddenly Flame Prince asked me to come over to him. He made sure nobody else was listening...

"Ehh...I wanted to ask you this for awhile...ehh...wold you like to go to the dance with me?"

I was kind of happy when he asked me but I already had a date...I mean partner....

"I'm sorry...but...NO. Marshall already asked me."

He got sad at first but then it turned more into fury. His flames got bigger but before he could hurt me he stepped back.


"I...ehh...HE IS NOT A DEMON!!!!"


Now he was really angry but I didn't care. Why does everybody have to say that I shouldn't dance with him? Cake and Marshall were now standing behinde me.

"Everything Ok?" Cake asked.

"Yeah I'm fine but can we please go home now?"

"Sure, hun."

I hopped onto her back as she stretched bigger. I waved 'goodbye' to Marshall and we went home.

**End of Flashback**

"All because of a dance?" I yelled.

"I you would've chosen me instead of him then you would be MINE!"


"I don't care. You'll be mine!"

"If you touch her I will scratch your eyeballs out!" Cake warned.

"Ugh shush cat! You won't be going anywhere and you will see!"

Then he left without another word.

"What a jerk!" I mumbled.

What is he going to do?

"Don't worry, Fi. I won't let anything happen to you."

I hugged him and together we thought of a plan to get out of here!"

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