A Day With Phantom

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Phantom's P.O.V

It was early morning, with only a few hours of sleep, I had made my way to (Y/N)'s mansion.
I let myself in with no struggle and walked to her bedroom.

It seemed as if no one was there. It was very silent that you were able to hear a pin drop.

On my way up to her room, a maid passes by and I nearly get caught. Luckily I found somewhere to hide, which was behind an eight foot statue that probably costs a fortune.

Once the maid passed me, I hurried to (Y/N)'s room. Finally, I had made it to her room.

Quietly, I opened the door and walked in carefully, as if there were someone watching me.

Just my luck. She wasn't in there.

I began to worry that Ryan had escaped prison and came back to kidnap my precious (Y/N).

That's impossible. Ryan was kept locked up behind bars. There is no way that fool had gone through the Guards.

As I searched for (Y/N), hoping that she would be somewhere in her bedroom, I noticed that there were delicate footsteps approaching me slowly from behind.

"GOT YA" (Y/N) jumped on my back and wrapped her legs around my torso.

I had to admit. She did get me. But only with a flinch.

Smirking, (Y/N) jumped off my back and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"How'd you get in?" The curious woman questioned

"I snuck in" Sitting besides her, I grinned mischievously at my response

"Your so bad" (Y/N) rolled her (E/C) eyes playfully

"So I didn't scare you?" She frowned

"I'm afraid not Madame." I smirked teasingly

"Dammit." She crossed her arms and pouted

"Someone's upset." I mentioned while getting up

"Nope. Just wanted to see your reaction. Not impressed" She got up as well and walked past me slowly examining me

"Oh really?" I got (Y/N) by the waist and pulled her to me

"Phantom!" She gasped shockingly looking at my hands on her waist

"Do not tease me" I carried her 'bridal style' and spun her

"Put me down!" (Y/N) giggled, gently smacking my arm

"As you wish" slowly putting her back on the ground, a half smile was placed upon my face

(Y/N) laughed softly and played with a string of her (H/C) hair

"I came here to ask you something.." I mentioned

"And that is...?"

This was a lot harder then it seemed. Asking her if she wanted to leave this area of France with me.

I sighed stressfully and turned my head to see if anyone was behind me "(Y/N), I wanted to ask you if you would like to accompany me to my home"

"You mean the lair?" She curiously spoke

"No. I'm talking about my home" Looking at her straight into her (E/C) eyes

"...Where exactly"

"Somewhere in the woods. Where no one can judge us both for being together" I nodded while pacing

Phantom X Reader ~A Love For Erik~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt