Quick Announcment!

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Hello, now that I have your attention, I can finally tell you something very important.

I will be making a new story.
Duh it's about Phantom of The Opera.

BUT it will be slightly different.

Summarization of the story: It's a Reader X Erik (title will be released soon) but instead of the time taking place in the 1800's, it will take place in 2016 (which is now, unless your reading this in the future) Erik (phantom) is pretty much confused about all of the change and offers some help from you.


I can now say that the story is official and will be posted tomorrow evening or tonight.

Thank you for taking your time Redding this c:

[I will update "A love for Erik" next week on Tuesday. ]

Phantom X Reader ~A Love For Erik~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt