FINALLY... chapter 13

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Hey guys! Sky here. Justine was at school and anxiously waiting for her thirteenth b-day (she still am. It's on August twelfth.) and thinking of ways to make the story interesting. Fill out a character form in the comments, and it might be added in. We need someone for three new characters that will come in soon: Seto, Quinton(He will get a bigger role) And... Bajan Canadian. So, just fill this out...

Name: Monmon (example)

Looks: blonde, small, cat ears (ANOTHER example)

Likes: cheese (Even another example)

Dislikes: butts

Personality: Crazy fighter, lover, etc.

So, yeah. I wish we had more butter in this story. Who the fuck knows? Just enjoy. Me and my bear hope you love it!

Adam's Pov


I kinda walked around the house multiple times, trying to get my words right.

"I... I love you a lot. Will you marry me?" Nah, too generic.

"Well, uh, wanna get hitched?" That's too feelingless.

"Is it the look in your eyes... or is it this dancing juice?" Sounds like something girly girls would eat up.. Right then, I passed Justine's room. he was listening to her iPod, and totally rocking out. I opened the window to hear her singing.

 "Hello.. wherever you go. Are you mining inside minecraft, or in grand theft auto? Tonight we'll be odd noobs, then shining bright stars. We don't give a fuck, cuz we are who we are."

Wait, she wasn't listening to her iPod! She was RECORDING! That's fucking awesome if you ask me.

"Cuz we is- we is we is.. we is we is... Them youtubers- those youtube- those youtubers. And we are- we are in the- we are inside- wait we're in the- we in the-"

"We're in the youtuber wars." She whispered. Only then did she see me outside my window. She walked over, like she thought she was seeing things. I hid behind the conveniently spawned tree, as she opened the window ridiculously slow. Justine looked towards the tree, glanced at the door that led to the hallway, and jumped out the window. Her hair majestically flew behind her, as he landed lightly on her feet. Her sunglasses weren't on either. She scanned the area, her hands clenched in a fist to attack.

 I silently climbed up the tree, hoping she didn't hear me. Right as I find the perfect spot, a branch under my foot falls down and hits her head. I moved slightly over so she wouldn't see my shoe hanging over. Something in her head must've clicked, and she grabbed the lower branch, and climbed up. I panicked as I tried to climb higher, which only got her attention on my position. She looked up, and probably saw just a little bit of the black on my shoe.

"ADAM? What are you doing up here? This is my favorite tree spot. Why did you come in this tree? Most people have no idea that this even exists. It's a secret glitch." She explained. Her eyes looked really weird with my glasses on, and I almost took them off. as I took them off, they fell on her. She grabbed them, and put on MY sunglasses.

 "Hey! Gimme back my sunglasses." I said, trying not to go in attack mode.

 "C'mon! Don't you realize that I can't see your eyes at all? Relax. I won't look at your eyes unless you let me." She giggled. I realized that she was teasing me, letting me believe that I was stupid. I swung down and fell on my face.

 "Dude!! Adam!! You okay?!? do I need to get Jason?" She asked, startled.

 "Nah. I was gonna tell you something, but I kinda chickened." I said, dusting off my pants.

 "What was it?" Justine asked, tilting her head slightly.

 "Uh... I was gonna tell you to keep up on the song. I... I liked it. I blushed and kinda blacked.


So that was chapter thirteen. You proud of me babe?

Me) Yeah!! Everyone is!!!

Adam) No joke? I can't believe it. They LIKED me??

Me) DUH!!!

Jason) I get next blurby thingies? sweet. I'll get the prizza.

ME)... You do that. Babe, can you wrap it up?

Adam) Alright. Well, you know the drill. I'm too lazy to repeat it. I guess that you should know that after Jason comes Ty. This has been Sky, and I'll see you later recruits.

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