The rebel needs not to be a rebel any longer.

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Hey Bomb-Poms! I don't need to rebel! I am free from groundingnesh! :D

So... you want another chapter?

Cuz HERE IT IS!! YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR HOURS AND DAYS. Or you've just completely stopped reading the story. Either way, your beloved chapter awaits!! Just start reading, you awesome peoplez!

Tabbi's Pov


Jerome, Mitch and I had decided to go to a party we got a drunk call from

*Flashback BITCH*


"Hello?" I asked, uncertainty clouding my voice.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Taaaaabbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Weeeeeeeeeeeee're haavin aa paaaartaaay aaat Juuuuustiiiiiiiiine's house." words slurred, and I could hear some music in the back.

"I'll be right over Gabby. Just don't do anything stupid that you will regret." I hung up the phone and sighed, knowing that I was gonna have to babysit Gabby.

I grabbed my ipod, and typed the location. When it finally calculated, I realized this was and island in the middle of a lake. I laughed, thinking of how drenched they got to get to her house. Then I noticed that I was gonna have to do that as well.


We finally got close, and we see to bodies, snuggled close together.

"JUSTINE!!!!!!" I yelled, to check if it was her.

"Tabbi??? Why are you here?" She asked. She rubbed her eyes, and Adam giggled. Of course. He knew what was going on.

But was Justine drugged or something? I've never seen her act like this. And are they a couple?

Was that what this party was about??

Anyways, I thought that I should bring them back home. I mean, I know that this may not end well if I don't.

She waved her usual hello as she told me what was up. Her voice was soothing, and Adam held her closer. A bulge from his pocket shaped like a rectangle left me to guess what was going on. Yet the way her face was looking, I could tell that he hadn't popped the question. Mitch and Jerome were behind me, probably asking the same questions.

By the time we got to the party, it was in full swing. Laughing, smiling. All the irregular things that we called normal at our parties. Adam was taking Justine out onto the bidder rink made by gabby and Alyssa. Jerome and Mitch were having a staring contest. I was sitting down at one of the petite tables, wondering if Adam would follow through with his box in his pocket, and he night would go exactly as planned.

But by now, I knew something was gonna happen to mess up this night. Like maybe a fucking squid was gonna come out of nowhere and take my friend.

Or something like that. Either way, I was worried. Gabby and Jason seemed drunk beyond repair, and Gabby seemed like she would do anything to keep the party moving- even if that meant a little dirtiness. Jason could tell that she was too drunk to care, so he kinda kept her in line. More or less, anyways. Alyssa was staring out a window, sighing as if something should be happening for her. Claire and Dakota were dancing it out, making the dance floor a heated area.

The night went on like this, and didn't stop until we had our main truth or dare. Everyone had to participate.

"So, who's starting us *hic* off?" Gabby asked, her eyes wandering the room as if she'd never seen anything like it before.

"Tabbi, why don't you go it's?? You're good at this stuff." Mitch said. I laughed, and started thinking of a great start.

"Adam-" I stopped to think about what I would ask. "Truth or dare??"

"TRUTH!!!" He shouted.

We all laughed at his stubbornness to not do a dare.

"Well then. Uh, would you rather be stuck eating a Popsicle flavored as pee or drink pee that tasted like pineapples??"

He laughed, and half-shouted "peesicle!!!" He rolled around on the floor, and everyone finally got him to relax after a bit.

A few dares passed, a couple of truths. Whip cream had been served in many different areas, and we painted Jason budder. after a while, I'm pretty sure Justine was drunk as hell. We put Gabby to bed after she almost went beserk over us telling her to not kiss Jason for one hour. She sat through the whole time, whining and whimpering until we told her time was up. We laughed as we watched Jason get slowly dragged into Gabby's hazel eyes.

Finally, I wanted to end with the guy we started with.

"Adam- truth or dare??" I asked, mischievously smiling. He sighed, just trying to hide his nervousness as he said the one word I needed to hear-


Immediately, I went and did the obvious shit, but we all know what I said.. 

Because I'm Tabbi. Deal with it. Maybe someone else will tell you if you don't know. Either way, let's just say shit went down hard, and there may or may not have been a few different choruses of Awwwwwww's.

Anyway, this just confirmed my earlier thoughts of these two being a couple. That this was truly possible to be brought together and not break apart. But I'll watch, juuuuust to make sure that nothing to seriously bad (or anything in that kind of area) happens to this. This was just too precious for words.

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